They will have the same order on drops next season...first 3 will be the good ones...can't step off track it would be if only happy with bp, sword, bracers you should aim for rancor lvl20-30...I'm just going to war cuz it's fun, gain mith and if lucky get to another lvl50 rancor
Tho I'm disappointed by the stats of the ring for lvl50...they should have made it so it got attk/def and spyattk/def like the ring from summer wars
So? It doesn't matter all the lvl 50s would have gotten all six. Besides, they couldn't give out the 6 good slots, right? They usually give small slots like rings and trinkets better bfe than the mith versions.
Ignorant troll I mean how would you know how much effort and teamwork it takes to get to lvl50...I'm fine with lower lvls getting some good equip but the lvl50 should have been something extra ordinary...not a ring that won't ever come to use!
You have 6 new equipments, a shiny badge, a buttload of mith, and be able to say I got lvl 50. Guess what I have. 0 new equipment. No shiny new badge. No mith. And no pride. You can call me an ignorant troll for stating the truth, but idc. Do you know how it feels to lose? 22 times?
No I don't bacon but then you must see how much effort it takes to win and yes I'm complaining cuz last equip for lvl50s was a big let down...ofc all that participated and warred a lot, may it be winning or losing, most gave their all for weeks and put in tons of time, work and would you feel if you got to lvl50 and didn't come out on top with a equip that's not even top3 in it's slot
I would be ok with that. War is designed to be fun. Not to endlessly grind for equipment. I don't put enough effort into war? So tracking, commanding, 20 plus mith, 2 xtals and full 4 hours aren't effort. Good luck with that.
Now there is a comment I can reply to. That sucks that you went 0 for 22 and kudos to you for continuing to try. However, that has nothing to do with this thread and others like it. This thread is aimed at the devs, to voice my frustration that they changed things after everything was said and done. They created the war system, the points system, and the awards. They continuously advertised these awards, to be distributed based on their point system, which was built on wins and losses, and nothing else. Then they began to reveal the awards - but balked and changed everything "based on feedback." Their new system of awards is no longer based on wins and losses. It completely undercut the system that was advertised for months, the system that we all played under. I am not among those who advocated for weakest items at the bottom and strongest at the top. Read the OP. I am simply expressing the facts, that devs have lost all credibility and integrity by making a last minute switch to THEIR system AFTER all of us had invested our time and energy. I get that only a small percentage are upset by this as it has only affected a small percentage of us. Maybe the next time it'll be you they cheat. But if they keep it up, there will be less people around to stand up and support you.
I need to ******* vent man. Like hard. I've tried to keep my losses contained for next season BUT IT ******* SUCKS SO ******* BAD!!!
@Op well said and @bacon Did you read my previous post? I'm sure you put in a lot of effort and time dude and hope you get to win next season!
Op,, don't be dumb. Your rant after my last comment sure makes you look that way. I didn't war just a few times or let rl stand in the way. I warred constantly through 3 different clans, the first 2 falling apart because matchups being unbalanced & taking heavy losses. Each time I moved on. I put my time & $ into every war I could possibly get in & fought hard just to end with a 16rancor. I VERY seriously doubt you put any it much more into getting your 50 as I did my 16 so Don't patronize me