Rancor 50 Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -RAIDEN-2, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. There is room for mids in EE.. I've heard from a friend that DS uses mids.. Mushroom kingdom uses ps, and some other clans use tower Hansels still.. So please explain to me how if you aren't a big or a lb you can't war?
    And, I've even seen RH use a regular hansel once, so please tell me how every winning roster is just LB/bigs and SH..
  2. I bet you that these 3 clans are using way more sh than mids anyway. And wow. U saw rh. Use a Hansel. Once. Guess there is no such thing as roster stacking then.
    Geeh. If you are actually trying to convince me that it's easy to join wars as a midbuild, then I see this discussion as over. Just look in wc prior to war. If you ever find just one looking for a midbuild, take a ss and show it to me and I'll give you a free xtal
  3. Mids are so easy to find that most clans that use them already have them.. And yeah, i only saw RH use a hansel once because I don't normally look at every single clans roster, I'm more focused on the one that I'm warring against.. I'm not saying there isn't roster stacking, because there is and I'm not going to deny that. It's just that there is a place for everyone to win, but you just have to find it.
  4. Not for a mid, really. Unless you adapt ofc, which means tearing down your build. Do u also feel like somehow we are running in.circles here?
  5. Yes because you fail to see my point. You are saying that when I say "to adapt" that I mean to drop to a SH, which isn't true. Why do you have SDT, if it obviously isn't helping you in any way besides defense? Because it helps you defend better from spies. That's all mids need, a good amount if towers to defend themselves from SH so they aren't a first plunder target.
  6. Stop posting on this thread. It's already been answered since page 1 and doesn't need to be on AT anymore. If you want to talk, follow or wall each other.
  7. I see your point, but the only way to adapt is to drop build. No matter how many towers you have as a midbuild, sh will still be preferred. A towered midbuild will just get spanked by the lbs.
    And I have my adt/sdt (yes I do actually have adt ) because I was preparing for s3. I had a slight hope that devs would've fixed the problem before launching s3.

    @Sledge sry for using the forum for discussing :(
  8. Better keep it up and make screenshots. I had rancor level 6 in season two. Had to miss last weeks of season and lost it all. Sended an email to ATA to ask how this could be and got as answer that equipment was given out and they were done with it. :evil: