I don't wanna jump on the bandwagon of attack of the OP. I just wanna state this. It has taken me a week to get 90k feathers. Not because of my stats, but because of my activity. If you want that top tier you gotta take the extra Step and prove that tier is for your.
I think that everyone here needs to get a life if all you do is sit on your computers and flip through the forums to pick on people who have suggestions or are asking for help. Quit being bullies and use the game for what it was made for... playing and having fun, and interacting with other people.
Well, now that the OP sees that no one thinks this is a good idea they are on the defensive and are now saying everyone here has no life. Well OP, congrats to you for being a spoiled kid and throwing a tantrum for not having his way. This is a game where you have to be active to get the best things out of this game.(or pay lot of money) You, on the other hand, expect things to be handed to you. How about you get off your high horse and just play the game and quit complaining about not getting enough free stuff from the game.
I was already disappointed In the latest increase, I put in 45 days for something I could of done in less than a week now makes me wish I wouldn't have started so early.
Since I am not on the allies lb. I think devs should give me more gold compared to the ones already on there. Wait better idea the devs should just give me allies. Maybe they could drop from an eb.
I support that Cloud. Since i started way later than most players they have an advantage. They've actually played and i haven't. So i should get gold bonuses for being here less time and putting in less overall effort.
Sorry op, even with the time remaining you can still collect a ton. Inactivity or apathy (chose not to) are the only reasons to not have top rewards by now. If you aren't highly active, or have decided to focus on other things (PvP, wars...rp??) then you shouldn't end up with the good hunt rewards.
And there it is. A lot of people point out how OP might be wrong and he goes and cries out the "bully" buzzy word. Nobody is being a bully dude. They made low tier rewards so low tier players (YOU) can still get FREE stuff. I got 90k. Sure my stats got me into a better clan do faster ebs bit guess what? I earned it. NOBODY gave it to me. Want more feathers? Do faster reckoning or whatever. Don't ask the devs to increase drops. Can't get into a faster clan? That's not the dev's fault. Try didn't set the CS limits that a lot of clans have. The players did. The fang event was tricky. It was very obvious that if you used crystals you got the biggest drops. Now with moths and feathers they made it fair where EVERY player gets the same amount per eb as long as they are active. EVERY player has the same chance to reach all the tiers. It all comes down to if you can get into a fast clan.
It shouldnt be a problem for smaller players but it is. The clan running the faster b2b recks are asking for like... 10 freaking millcs. Even though A that eb caps damage at a certain point. B if the overall cs was lower more would get to hit (letting it stay just as fast) and more would get drops instead of 30-50 peeps getting any hits tops. It isn't fair to the little guys unless they're good with 1hour .. Thats a max. Max. Of 48k feathers from right now. If their lucky. And hit every hour. Every. Come on quit bsing and claiming its fair. Please.
No support for several reasons: 1. The drops we're already increased alot 2. They could have started before, and not now 3. Stop bloody whining
I never said the 10m cs requirement clad set is fair. But the CLANS set it. There is no reason for the devs to have to change that. They already increased reck drop rate from 70ish to over 400. What more do you want from them? Why not just give everyone the top rewards?? The devs made THEIR system of how many feathers drop fair for everyone. Lowering stat requirements for those speed clans? Lower stat players tend to be less active. So that means less damage AND less hits on the eb. With the higher stat requirement you get more damage per hit AND you tend to get more active players. And now a days 10m cs isn't that hard.