Racism acceptable?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VoxVaporRub, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. Last time I checked it was racism, not talking ****.
  2. I'm Italian and I eat lots of pasta. Hmmm oh no that's racist isn't it? :|
  3. Lol talking **** in osw is fun :) ( explain why Joey is silenced ATM  )but there is a line that you DONT cross. Racism is a point across that line.
  4. Just to be clear, that comment is not only racist it's EXTREMELY racist. It should not be condoned and that player should be silenced while someone in the clan discusses why this is a problem. Ignorance often drives behavior that people don't realize is racist and in fact it is. That is not an excuse and yet provides an opportunity to educate others.
  5. Osw can be fun, but there is a line between trash talk and personal attacks.

    Trash talk is fine always good to trade quips with your opponent/s. but going racist or to their personal life is not right.
  6. Peeps need to get a grip on what rascist actually means. If I tell a guy from India I don't like his clothes it does not make me a rascist likewise telling someone from Asia that he eats dogs does not make me rascist either.
  7. definition: racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

    So you would need to express some views on superiority not joke about his food. 
  8. Does telling an African American they must eat watermelon and fried chicken a racist comment? It absolutely is. Google "fuzzy zoeller tiger woods" and you will find the end of fuzzy zoellers broadcasting career. So don't be such an idiot.
  9. The 'must' part would be the expressing superiority.
  10. That is racial stereotyping. Not racism.
  11. Fractals is correct. A subtle but important distinction and yet no less offensive.
  12. It's still not racism.
  13. Typical kaw. Stupid game full of stupid people
  14. Instead of creating drama with your anti HOG propaganda thread, report it to a moderator. If no action is taken, send feedback to the developers. THEN, if ATA doesn't do anything, make a thread. Let's use our head a little.
  15. If Laoda isn't offended by it then there isn't any racism. I find it to be a joke. If Laoda is offended let him/her do something about it.
  16. Hey codey ️.

    The phrase was likely said to a) suggest the person eats something because of where they are from and b) almost certainly said in a negative and superior connotation.

    It's racist and also shows the person who posted it to be ignorant (as is often the care with racists as they are too stupid to understand).

    Kaw should have a zero tolerance policy on racist language and behaviour and ban, not silence them.

    Snr 
  17. The thread is not really about what the guy said. Read the title. Op is talking about racism throughout all of KaW.
  18. Joking about someone's food is not racist. Stop being so touchy and trying to be politically correct.
  19. Just my two cents; if someone says your black so you must like chicken, I'd say that's an assumption based on facts that allot of black like chicken. Not a problem to me. (Bigger fact is ALL ppl like chicken.. Lmao)

    Now, if someone says, your stupid because your black. Now, that's racist and meant to pull you down based on color and make you feel bad.

    Saying, Asians like to eat dogs is not racist, because it is truly a fact that many (not all) Asian cultures eat lots of Animals that American's consider domestic pets. Why, is that racist? And how does that make Asians feel bad? If anything I can understand feeling shame, but maybe I'm missing something.

    FYI: I grew up with lots of Asian friends and have lots of respect for my KaW Asians, whom are among my best friends here  so, no disrespect intended.
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