One could argue that Bruce/Caitlyn suffers from multiple personality disorders to the extreme that he/she changed his/her body parts.
I wouldn't make myself look like this much of a dumbass just for a little spotlight. Apparently, that's not something everyone has in common. Edit: rly? Dumb ass is censored? Ass isn't a bypass devs, I demand this be fixed before all other things.
Some people*, not all. Lol. But anyways, she's been all over the news, don't you think that's what she wanted? Stirs up some controversy, gives her attention and who knows, maybe she'll get her way and will be referred to as black. Whether it's positive or negative she's still getting attention.
Hey everyone! A lot of people here seem confused on the difference between gender and sex! Sex is what biological parts you have. Your gender is more complicated. Your gender is what you are on the inside. There are studies - brain scans - that show that transgender men think like cisgender (non transgender) men, and than transgender women think like cisgender women. So this isn't made up, it's not for attention, or whatever. If anyone has questions about it, feel free to message me
This is irrelevant, as this is not the actual purpose of the post. I agree the people can be whatever they want , within reason, because this is America. But saying "hey I may look white but I'm really one of you " is pretty much the same as landing on mars and telling the Martians you're one of them. Unless they're blind, there's no way they will fall for that and then you end up getting probed because you thought your clever plan of pretending to be something else was 100% genius .
Theres a pretty big difference between identifying as a black woman and lying about your country of upbringing and your parents
Then my alt a few pages back is perfectly fine with being a Comanche Atlantian? Oh good, I was worried he wouldn't be able to find Atlantis and summon cthulhu.
Lefties haven't got a brain Bruce it's okay but Rachel no Both leftists , Bruce and Rachel are deluded
She possessed by a lost spirit from when she was black. If you check everyone's markers we all have black roots. Caucasians have only existed for 15,000 years and every human tested to date has ethiopian markers. Either that or she's stupid as ... (you know)