Rachel Dolezal, a discussion on race and Leftists

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. I don't get it. Why is this a personality disorder but being transgender or gay is not?
  2. she is mad as a door
  3. I believe in what I see, "caitlyn" Jenner is a male, "her" dna will show this to be true.

    Now let's break this down into what it is, being able to choose your gender and identify as another gender is a privilege of the rich, so literally only 1% of the world can do this, while the rest can't.

    As for this woman who is identifying as black, who the hell cares? Same goes for Bruce, man, woman, black, white, brown, yellow, blue, purple, orange, who the hell cares? It doesn't matter what they look like, or where they come from, nor does their gender play any role in anything, it's what they do with their life that matters to those who actually know and care about the people. Not some dumbass shock magazine article about them.
  4. This reminds me of all the people who made a big stink about all the popular white rappers, like mark walberg and Marshall mathers.
  5. Lol she knows she white. She sued Howard University over being discriminated against for being white.
  6. Just another day in the boiling pot of merica!
  7. I can pick and choose races now?
    Well ****, ima be Comanche so I can open a casino
    And I think I'll be Atlantian too. Grow a mermaid tail, find the lost city of my people, summon the deep ones.
    Atlantian stuff.
  8. The only reason I'm here is because someone ask me about this on a third party app. I had to reinstall this app to log on. My reset button is broke. Secondly, I give two craps what anyone on this thread thinks.

    This is what I'm telling people. You should not subjugated yourself to a specific racial identity to begin with. You shouldn't wear booty shorts in front of your adopted son.

    Europid caucasoid and act like Congoid negroid. No one cares with the exception of people hung up racial and group identity. Which makes them part of the problem. Not the solution. Good day.

  9. Caitlyn jenner had his hoo haa removed and a black hoo hoo installed so maybe
  10. If I didn't have an iPad for this, I would post the picture about a woman who defended mayonnaise as a gender. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  11. Nothing wrong with believing in yourself or whatever gender you make yourself out to be.Just don't force that crap down our throats and claim that its normal."Oh call me caitlyn "blah blah ..."

  12. The woman in question, pictured here, is a tumblr user who freaked out when a meme was made and then found its way onto her blog. The memes crime was saying that mayonnaise was not a gender, which she greatly disagreed with.
  13. Yes! That's it. I know it's her. When I first saw that I literally died and revived myself through matters that you mortals cannot comprehend. I wanna make a forum post about she's now. But I can't post pictures because iPad.
  14. Just to make things clear

    Sex: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.

    Gender: the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

    Race: each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics

    Notice how both sex and race are based around physical attributes which is also linked to genetics. Gender is based upon your own personal feelings. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is therefore sexually a male but gender wise is a female. This means that Rachel Dolezal cannot rightfully claim she is of a specific race due to how she feels.

    Also the specific word I am using which is similar to gender is filtered but is scientifically correct so I am sure most of you can work it out :lol:
  15. I think this is a load of ****.
  16. So funny, her pictures shes a blond with frickles has teen.. So these days any One can say and be from any where i think im chinesse cause i Love chinesse foood.. Seriusly
  17. That joke John Oliver did about the most famous black person from Montana not being black makes a whole lot more sense now lol.
  18. People will do anything for their 5 minutes of fame.