Race Hate: Too Close For Comfort

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. The number of recorded incidents are higher in loyalist areas because in republican areas if a person goes forward to the police they receive "punishment beatings" which creates massive fear so few people report the incidents.
  2. No it's because 90pc of them are carried out by your kind . Spin it anyway you like. Pipebombs article states the Uvf is heavily involved and the majority are carried out in loyalist areas 90pc in fact. If your house is burnt down that can't not be recorded and that's what usually happens

    You're just a bigot and there is no talking with you presented with facts and you go off on a spin about crap . O you burned my house down while I was it but I won't report it in case I get a beating lol. Idiot

    It all comes back to my earlier point about British protestants being less educated than their catholic Irish counterparts in NI you're living proof of that. A notorious idiot always spouting crap . Make it all about your hatred and ignore everything else. Good luck you sad little hateful man
  3. What about British Catholics? Are they less educated too?
  4. Race crimes aren't just burning down houses you idiot

  5. Interesting 
  6. One Eastern European resident of Northern Ireland, who spoke anonymously to the BBC, questioned the idea that racist violence was limited to loyalist territory.

    She was the victim of a racist attack in republican territory.

    "There is racism everywhere, and that includes republican areas," she says.

    "In those republican areas, I think it's common knowledge that you don't necessarily go to the police if you've been attacked.

    "And whenever you read in the media about punishment beatings, there's a reluctance for people to come forward. So statistically I'd say that the number of racist attacks might be similar," she adds.
  7. Everyone is white where I live. Sucks to be a British Colony
  8. 3000 people murdered in the troubles, over 1800 by the IRA alone and hundreds more by other republican groups but republicans are perfect and never do anything wrong right? Lol
  9. That was over a united Ireland or Northern Ireland remaining apart of the UK. Nothing to do with the race hate crimes that this thread is about. The British army and Protestants groups killed plenty of innocent Irish too it isn't a competition. The truth was right about two things you're an idiot and a bigot
  10. Republican groups were the largest cause of death in the troubles. I have family members who were affiliated with such groups and hey admit they did the most damage. Loyalists and poor judgement by the military also caused deaths less than the republican groups.

    I agree with V. I live in a nationalist/republican area and race hate is strong here in some individuals.
  11. Funny pipebomb in previous posts you said your father was Protestant British and your mother Indian but whatever you say
  12. My mums Indian British :). My dad is Irish. I myself was born in Cork. Please find that post and quote it for me. @Ruthless
  13. Better things to do with my time than search through forums to find a liars post. Spent enough time conversing with the idiot bigot and his sidekick
  14. In other words: you accused me of lying but when asked for evidence you made an excuse and you dont have the knowledge to continue arguing on this issue.
  15. How can I be a bigot when I don't really care about religion or any of that stuff. I consider myself a unionist but then again the majority of Catholics wish to stay within the union too because there is no real benefits to a United ireland other than bigots who want to claim victory for the war. I never claimed loyalists don't carry out attacks, I know they do and that it's a big issue. But the PSNI predicts that 80% of race crimes don't get reported and believe most of those are within republican areas.
  16. People like thetruth are what's wrong with Northern Ireland
  17. Belmont abbey catholic school . 3 monks prosecuted for sexual deviancy Wool hope catholic school. 2 teachers prosecuted for sexual deviancy catholic faith experiment did not work and created monsters.