Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lIlIlIDo-YoU_eVeN-lIfTlIlIl, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. did i curse ?
  2. You ruin people's brains, since they have to read your drivel. Btw, HMS-Charles, you'll be forum banned in no time, again.
  3. if your 'day' revolves around ruining people lives than you might need to get off kaw and rethink more than just your entertainment
  4. No, but your being a hater/troll. The new ToU doesn't allow this. So get lost, Charles.
  5. charles ? lol if you think so haha ... and compared to all the other trolls out pick at me
  6. @W/E

    Read the RoC thread. It clearly states that if the OP asks you to leave for really any reason, you must. If you don't, she can merely get you forum banned. Since we all know you're on your last chance. If she does pursue this, I'll give her the SS of you stating you're Charles.

    They'll check the iP, and hopefully PERM ban all your accounts from forums. Hmm, actually how about I do something similar! Since your main is banned, and forum banned, this Alt you're using to post is actually in violation of the ToU.

    Wowzers, you just keep rackin up the big ones, don'tcha?!
  7. Thanks, IGCB.
  8. really?
  9. i dont know she is op so.... and i pretend tobe alot of ppl's alt show if you would like and get me forum banned ill show the devs some ss too :3
  10. You mad, igcb?

    Seems like someone struck a nerve
  11. this thread is pissing me off, im reporting whatevlol
  12. @Dylan

    I put him in his place.


    Calling the Devs names isn't against the ToU. Feel free to post any and all SS, lord knows you don't have anything. I'm not an idiot like you, I keep secrets just that, secrets.
  13. for ?
  14. when op asked you to leave, you refused
  15. do you need one more example?
  16. igcb, you shouldn't have the nerve to call someone else that and apparently...no balls if i reported someone id say i reported you you can keep secret if you like.
  17. Bacon eat a dick you annoy me.
  18. you are a real pain in the asshole
  19. You have nothing on me nerd.