Quitting KaW for a while

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GaW-AllianceMaybilia-GaW, Jan 6, 2015.

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  1. Not quite, I sent a message out 6 hours before that thread saying i was leaving, feel free to ask me for the copied message i sent to everyone, and I am coming back in 1 week since the completed the tests early because of the heart attack and the cancer has almost completely diminished. And I'm not playing the sympathy card, you guys are ignorant and shouldn't even say that about people who are diagnosed with cancer. Either way i request a lock as the date has been cut off and there is no need for this thread.
  2. I understand that there's a "1 week recovery time". But during that time someone needs to tend to your needs.

    And I already realize that OP is using this as a way of sliding away because 4-5 months to tend a friend is highly unrealistic (unless if it's a highly dangerous virus/disease/cancer) <--- My friend was in the hospital for nearly a year because of cancer
  3. Blah blah blah.

    Speak the truth. You cried because you got farmed, you're crying because no one believes this ****, and now you're trying ever so hard to glue together the pieces of your lie back together to try save face.

    Simple: get the **** out.
  4. #InB4Lock
  5. Congenital* maybe?
  6. Leave before a mod locks plz. Reset or didnt happen
  7. 8bill strip just made, hit him at will, would strip more but it's his only ally
  8. Awwl, nvm hes online
  9. Bravo :roll:
  10. I read all this crap and it didn't give me cancer but this cig just might.

     <__<
  11. op, you dont have to do this alone. ill quit with you.

  12. Lock per op request
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