Quick Money Guide Part 2

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bluephantom956, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. And that's if you even have a main...
  2. I had forges till LC....
  3. It's a game homie. Do you want me to use proper grammar and spelling for aboslutely every post i make? You've made spelling mistakes in your life so deal with it don't be a grammar natzi.
  4. Yoy should already know my main.
  5. Nazi*

    At least I correct mine :roll:
  6. Well I'm sorry if english wasn't my first language and that I don't really give a flying **** about spellig and grammar unless it's needed for an exam or resome (don't really know how to spell that last word i hope it's correct).
  7. You seem to speak it just fine.
  8. No such thing as failed hits either, it's called successful pot burn.
  9. You don't really have any to burn so....
  10. I've been speaking it for 10 years now, but i still make some mistakes in grammar and spelling.
  11. I don't even need pots to get through
  12. That's because i have half spys and 100x less spy stats.
  13. I have 1/4 spies. That's not really a legitimate argument
  14. The second part of my argument is valid.
  15. Full pots vs not using pots
  16. Invalid argument you're 100x my spy stats if you didn't win most of your spy attacks then there would be a problem with the game.
  17. English isn't your first language, and math isn't your best subject. Do you honestly think my spy defense has anything to do with how well I can attack you?
  18. Thats the beauty of being a hansel or spy build you don't really need to worry about attacks because their already pinned when you're done farming them.
  19. My spy attack is about 13x your spy defense.

    13 =/= 100
  20. 100x is an over exageration and if you over power someone by that much then you should rarely fail