It's a game homie. Do you want me to use proper grammar and spelling for aboslutely every post i make? You've made spelling mistakes in your life so deal with it don't be a grammar natzi.
Well I'm sorry if english wasn't my first language and that I don't really give a flying **** about spellig and grammar unless it's needed for an exam or resome (don't really know how to spell that last word i hope it's correct).
Invalid argument you're 100x my spy stats if you didn't win most of your spy attacks then there would be a problem with the game.
English isn't your first language, and math isn't your best subject. Do you honestly think my spy defense has anything to do with how well I can attack you?
Thats the beauty of being a hansel or spy build you don't really need to worry about attacks because their already pinned when you're done farming them.