Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Stormruler, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. As fun as it would be, some people dont play for pvp and never will. No point punishing those players for how they like to play
  3. PvP would have to be enjoyable and actually rewarding before anyone spends money on it.. Monetizing EBs is just easier. And not that PvP isnt fun, it just has potential to be a whole lot better. A revamped EE system, a bunch of different war variants, a few ease of life updates to lessen the steep learning curve this game has, actual worthwhile rewards for participation, Just add some of these and you have the potential to start monetizing it.

    And there are plenty of other ideas to improve PvP/warring on forums. Some are good most are bad but still plenty of decent ideas over the past few months/this year.
  4. And they should probs be less salty that their idea is terrible
  5. This won't happen as for the reason that this would "force" players that pve only to not play the style they are accustomed to.

    Keeping pvp events running with opt-in is going to be the best we have till perhaps the war system gets overhauled which I'm hoping is being looked at.
  6. But we didnt even have a weekend pwar event last weekend. Forcing people to clan hop is the way forward I suppose.
  7. /lock , think we've established the idea is terrible :lol:
  8. I don't think it is lol if that means anything 
  9. Awe tbh so did I but it's unrealistic, wouldn't make the devs any money so they wouldn't be interested smh