Quetzal Skulls Possibility

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Akunosenshi, May 6, 2014.

  1. yes skulls into 50bil or into seals
    or into 5k feathers for one skull
  2. I support the idea if the skull ebs are going to discontinnue after this event that we should get50bil for every skull we have or whatever they are worth as people who have them havent had time to use them due to feather hunting and have lost out on alot of money trying to get a banner that only 100 people can get.
    Either that or keep the skull ebs going so we get chance to use em
  3. I agree! Support!
  4. good idea - but too late
  5. Support ;)
  6. A seal that will knock out a whole bar

    No new ones drop. Just til the ones left are gone
  7. Support
  8. But what if I don't want 2k extra feathers?
  9. Too bad its gonna be turned into an attack pot