Quests for Spies

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DukeSirThorin, Jul 18, 2015.

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  1. which i dont believe will happen because you don't just steal from a random kingdom in rl you need to pillage. Something like scout to find the kingdom's weakness and then assassinate the king. After that something like, " The kingdom has turned to anarchy send spies to steal resources from the chaotic kingdom." Then once you finish you can get rewards like more plunder for defeating the kingdom, but i do not know how the devs could implement something like this without being totally repitive. *breathes*
  2. I find it rather amazing that only 2 people playing longer than 4 yrs have commented according to the achievements. So, my best guess about the gallery is most have been either: banned or lost your p-words

    In the 2.5 years of play, I understand a few things, change is good and bad, you can't please everyone, not all of us like using the battle list, nobility points are the premium of the game, seals and horns seem to not be being dropped from ebs, it's not always about the money.
  3. maybe it is because those that have been playing over 4 years can't even be bothered to post on this sort of thread anymore, eh? after the 100th time, i can start to get a little repetitive.
  4. Ya, I missed mentioning alts/ minis when listing commenters
  5. This type of thread comes around once a month. And I'm being somewhat generous there.
  6. I've only been back for a few weeks and this is the second one I've seen.
  7. Definitely need to add some more quests both attack and spy ones. Please

  8. Quest are there just to get accounts started. People used to use them to pin themself when they was fighting but no need now as there are epic battles/bl.

    I dont think i can be bothered to do spy quest even if they come out but this question has been asked tons of times.
  9. Support for spy quests
  10. Deja Vu all over again - Yogi Berra

    No no n again no...
  11. They would be a nice use of spies whilst waiting for your eb to start. If xtal drops that would be bonus. And they can have scout/steal/assassinate quests built in. No reason why not. And if you can't be bothered by the quests, well don't do the quests. Lol
  12. Hit somebody...spies gone
  13. This has been brought up to many times, quest for spies won't happen.
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