Being an atheist i'm glad i was not forced into a marriage of religious beliefs or same race. Glad to not be restricted by ppl controlling my freedom of choice n beliefs namely religion. My mother was Catholic n allowed me to choose whatever i wished. I still maintain ppl choose as they like n others opinions mean nada. Homophobes or religion pushers can all go about their biz n let others do the same.
Im probably not closed minded. Im strong willed. I believe that whatever hope you have in a prosperous life after death is stripped away from those who belittle the gifts that their creator gave them when they change their (private) parts or enjoy the same parts on another person. I believe that self awareness and happiness comes when we enjoy the things we have... Changing your parts is a sign of weakness and a draw for attention. It shows that you only care about the present and not the future. It shows insecurity and a cry for help. Furthermore it takes you farther away from happiness and self awareness. In a way... It's like any other sin... It's filthy, human and forgivable.
And them taking away UR freedom of choice by not disclosing who or what they are ? As my example early of someone being already married when they start dating U?
To go back to my last post again. I said that females are defined as lacking a "y" chromosome. The Y chromosome doesn't activate until male body parts begin to develop in a foetus. I guess we're both kind of right?? And I found that other stuff about male brain/female body interesting. I would still consider this a disorder since obviously that's not supposed to happen. I feel sorry for them... They want to be who they identify as, but it is a hopeless pursuit.