It's not as hard as FOD. So if your clan is doing that, they should be ok doing the new one. We doing it faster than FOD
The other epics pay out in exclusive potions, perm items, and treasure bonuses. Also the max xtal usage per epic is 6. So a player isn't spending 75-100 bucks which is their prerogative if they were. If the devs were so greedy they wouldn't limit xtal usage at all.
Also to add on the quicker the epics are done, the more chances per day that clan has in trying to win the items.
There has to be a limit to Xstals per day, what would stop the rich guys pinning you 24hr a day, 7 days a week.
And shaft half your clan burned crystals to do that. So that defeats the purpose of what I brought up. I have now been in ToC in 3 different clans and have seen major crystal usage each time. Not in a desire to set some kind of record but just to stay ahead of the regen and be able to finish.
Well based on 5k regen every 2.5 min, and even if the average person in a clan only unloaded for 5k an hour (which is obviously low) it would take 24 people to cancel out the regen. If you had half the clan, 50 peeps hitting every hour, the other 26 would be gravy and should be enough to finish the EB with time to spare, no xyals used.
Camelot - didnt use as many crystals as stated in the op, but a few were used. Same strategy was enforced at The Ethereal Order. The crystals were used to gain more plunder, and hopefully the item, not stay ahead of the regen. Even at The Pub, i dont believe mass crystalling was needed.