Question for co-founder Kenshi Arasaki

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sm0KeyNtHebANdIT, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. No need to de-rail the thread children. I know he doesn't read the forum himself. I'm just curios what the fine folks at ATA think about the departure from their original vision of a superior chat platform. Not an adequate platform but a real "kickass chat platform"
  2. More like
  3. Yaassss
  4. Double reported!
  5. Yeah. Go ahead. Tryhard.
  6. I don't use third-party chat apps I use the messaging systems in this game, as most other people do. I don't see the problem here
  7. I know kotfe uses them lol. Ive spoken with them through 3rd party apps. How do you think admins communicate? How do families with multiple clans communicate? How are alliances run? Not through KAWs dismal system.
  8. That's been happening to me too. :(
  9. He has created a social aspect to KaW, a private message system, a clan, world and ally chat. Personally, I don't use third party apps, yes some admins and owners do use them but actually most clans don't have to. So, I think he achieved what he set out to do
  10. This is what happens when you give noobs the ability to quote.
  11. Honestly the only other chat this game needs to function properly is an admin chat for clans. Alliances can be sorted out through admin to admin between clans and they can feed back to their clan admins. The main reason for use of third party chat apps currently is for admin chats so this would be a pretty easy fix.
  12. Adjust your spacing.