Quality of Life Changes

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -H4RDB4NDiT-, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. KaW is a part of the daily routine for thousands of players. We log in when we wake up and we stay up late at night, talking to mates and getting the sweet tap tap dopamine.

    However I personally and many other players would agree, resent the fact that ATA recently decided to mess up the drop rates on the daily EB chests a la 'non-royal box'.

    The furnish upgrade components are the absolute pits of drops. Useless in small quantities and wasting slots that could've otherwise been used by actual furnishes or aqua/inferno etc (don't get me started on their deplorable drop rates).

    All in all, ATA don't hate the players, give us a little more tangible rewards for our time spent.