PVP Revival

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Skyj1LSA, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. I agree, party on Garth.

    Once the devs meddle with "OSW" with rewards or drops or tracking results, it is no longer OSW. It is now EE wars or original style system wars.

    You guys are being so picky. You wanted them to work on pvp so they did. Mith stuff, rancor EE etc...

    "But devs I don't like that kind of war. Do something for MEEEEEE"

    What if you told someone to build a house? Then what if you didn't like it? Is it cool to just go "I don't like that house. Build me a different one".

    No, that is not cool. You wanted pvp work done and they did just that.

    I've done my pvp and have moved on to my new eb transition. What if I don't like ebs with regen? Do I cry abut it and make them change it? No.

    You get what you get and you deal with it.
  2. Sky has a lot of points here and are all legitimate, the main reason people don't pvp as much as this game was originally intended they look for rewards since ebs give them why not have a pvp osw reward set(I like mooses idea of an off system pvp reward system)

    Pvp gives no reward so people don't want to do it.
  3. And all this is in now way directly targeted towards the OP. It is a generalization of ALL the PvP incentivizers. Except for some of the higher tier ebs, hitting players pays better. The only way to get mith is pvp, some/most of the best stat equipment you can only get from pvp.

    PVP has been boosted and advertised and pushed. Maybe people need to come to the realization, maybe A LOT of people just don't care about pvp and enjoy their ebs. They like their shiny equipment and seeing how high their stat numbers can grow.
  4. you make a lot of valid point and many of them I try to perform myself, however with my reduced activity over time I have taken less time to help new players get into war (though am currently teaching a good Real Life friend of mine many aspects of gameplay). If any new players/People who are interested in PvP/OSW feel free to contact me, I will reply as I and when I can but am always happy to part advise and show a fun side to something other than EE/EB.
  5. If I could find mooses idea to give incentive for people to pvp garthang unless you've already seen it, yes it's a system but only really works well when you use the battle list
  6. Guys who keep saying things about devs. I said we can't rely on them and I don't want Pvp incentive. I want us as players to encourage Pvp

    Read the thread before trying to sound smart guys
  7. OS PvP is extremely fun. That's the primary reason people fight.
    If you want to hit people and receive rewards do System PvP, but don't alter the current mechanics for hitting other players. We don't want fancy equipment or shiny banners, we want to fight people for the sheer enjoyment of it.
  8. Yes rikki, his idea was great. And to whoever said devs intervention will make it not off system any more...

    Osw will always be off system. But you can get equip from it, thats all.
  9. Why shouldnt pvp get rewards like sw? Oh yeah because devs can track xstal use and what then xstals are goin on. Ee is shite, when ee is dead in the water, you will all see
  10. Sky's main point here is simply spread PvP as a community. Grab someone and throw him into a fight. Tell him to hit battle list. My first PvP fight during an osw when i was in yss i made a player reset. And from then i enjoyed PvP and wanted more of it. Soon i joined an infamous war clan -ignite-.

    The point here is lets all just start increasing our loses . Lets stop crying to our clan owners and lets enjoy a good fight. Trust me it can be more exciting then hitting those ebs :p

    Skip an HtE, your clan does them 24/7 and completes them minutes , there will be more. Find your self a player not familiar with the war side of kaw. And show him a thing or two. Show them that farming is not illegal and make the comfortable.

    Only way for devs to do anything about what we want is for them to see an increase in PvP. Spread the word please.

    Clan owners save an hour or 2 a day and tell your players to go fight someone. Lets save our community. I plan to retire soon if kaw stays like this. I would like to stay a lot longer.
    Get comfortable with PvP kaw, because a change is coming 

    Hit me first 
  11. I think the main reason people don't want to pvp is out of fear of a whole clans retaliation. Even if it was three or so guys on one guy of similar stats it's no fun.

    If we can encourage clans to let their members be, provided they aren't at a huge disadvantage, it would really help things. After all, the " ask clan owner for permission to retaliate " doesn't help things 
  12. Clan involvement is indeed a problem. Unless a player is 2x bigger or being jumped i don't see a point in getting involved.
  13. I decided I wanted to branch out after playing the game 95% as eb only. I began again with the idea of learning PvP. I kept hitting the bl, but didn't know what else to do. Finally someone hit back more than once or twice. They then did something great. They pm'ed me and began to actually teach me there was more to PvP than attack and repeat.

    It is way more fun to know what you are doing. If more pvpers took this approach the next gen of pvpers may just survive infancy.
  14. Excellent thread and points sky  can't say I like the disregard for rewards though.  Joke aside if you want to save PvP its on the community to do so. You were pretty damn thorough in your op so not much else needs saying. From me anyway :lol:
  15. Thanks crow and the others

    Clans jumping people is a problem for new Pvp players. If we could find a way to limit that it might help
  16. Support sky, nice written out thread:)
  17. 2/3/11 steal spilatch
  18. Right on I accept