PvP Guide - TERRA Approved!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _________M_________, May 15, 2014.

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  1. Pinky had a little lamb...
  2. Its cool. Im glad for a fight to test myself. Not many people hit back nowadays!
  3. Then I got hungry
  4. I dun even see how this is a good thread.
  5. Its not.

    But noob fight threads are always entertaining.
  6. If it is constantly updated and is full of hate, its good
  7. It looks more like a spanking sesh to me
  8. Damn mali u have a entire noob act army.

    Like mini version of val lmao
  9. Deadly that why im here...waiting for my paddling
  10. Yes he does @Pinky๎’
  11. Thats exactly what Unknown said awhile ago lmao. I think i can keep the conversation going with a new acct for awhile
  12. That's why I'm here too, I'm waiting for Pinky's paddle ๎…
  13. nuuu mah thread is dying
  14. To ruin the fun, or not to ruin the fun.. Hmmm
  15. Wait? This was fun?
  16. Ugh, Inb4lock
  17. Inferno=Best mod.

    You may lock now
  18. Naw, moose is teh best modulater
  19. Shhh don't let inferno hear, I want to get on his/her good side so they don't lock this thread. Kinda like reverse psychology.
  20. I didn't hear.

    But I read!๎‘
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