PvP Event, Without/Minimal Crystals

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. That's your account after 5 years? You def didn't give ATA any money, in fact it looks like you have been inactive for a couple... Years... Your not entitled to anything just because you have an old junk account
  2. I'm in the inactivity boat too.

    More than just a couple years Larry. I think I beat Benny in inactivity over this time 

    *stupid thumbs. At least we can edit now.
  3. :lol: support
  4. Players that have played the game loyally and have supported the player base deserve some love. I have bought pro packs and the occasional $5 xtal purchase. Just because I as a player am not dumping hundreds of dollars into the system does not mean I am not entitled to some sort of support.
  5. Or I have changed build 7-8 times for EE wars and on top of that have banked trillions. But nice try Larry
  6. Anyways, get this thread back on subject. Only ideas/support past here please.
  7. I'm not a huge KaW math person but trillions banked, 7-8 build changes, less than a tril in price, and 81k wins. Something isn't adding up.

    Regarding OP. Support for sure. I was contemplating something like this recently matter of fact. But I agree with your choices
  8. ^what does this have to do with anything?
  9. Much much bigger and more successful mmos hosted huge 3d virtual worlds with constant game updates and expansions funded by $10-$15 a month player subscriptions. The amount of money it takes to operate and maintain this simple tap phone game is a fraction of what it costs to run a true mmo. The devs are making probably over 100 times what they need to pay their staff and maintain the game. It's just absolute greed and it's disgusting that they are ruining the long-term lifespan of an awesome game for short-term profits.

    Support to the OP.
  10. Its bigs trying to chase after jackie chan which is noobs
  11. Thats how kaw is now
  12. No support. You dont need xtals for this event im top 1000 and not xtald once... been hitting ebs mostly tbh... work smarter not harder ;)
  13. 100% Support
  14. I have 610 without using xtals, or sword, or PvP bonus
  15. I like the idea of tiers and well thought out thread, well done.
    So i support this. But not the no xtal part.

    In my eyes activity wins in pvp events, but if your xtal its your own choice to pay for it. Its part of the game and is one of the reasons why this game is still around after 5 years.

    About getting rid of the blade. I say again, no! Because it gives a whole new element to the game, which is always interesting and fun. Plus it gives no pay to play players a chance, instead using xtals to catch up. But instead of getting rid of it. It should give a far shorter duration like for example 1 or 3 hours.

    Activity wins in event! NOT just bigs or small builds, but activity will prove who is the best.
  16. Love you legion <3 much support