PvP Event, Without/Minimal Crystals

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Support for the evenness!
    PvP sadly isn't equal and it's understandable. Survival of the fittest. However in an event, I feel like an equal playing field will be better than having a clear advantage at the start. It will show that activity will determine who on the top of the event LB
  2. Support great idea
  3. Support im a total eb fairy and i would participate in this.
  4. Support for sure. Sounds more fair of a system then the event.
  5. So basically an event for those that are too cheap to pay to actually keep KAW going :roll: how about no. Those of us willing to pay enjoy our deserved advantage over you bottom feeding leaches
  6. Brilliant thought there. Full Support
  7. Yea
  8. Or it's one event to see who has good activity and a true warrior. You also didn't keep in mind because you speak before you think...ITS YOUR CHOICE TO OPT IN.
  9. There are some players that aren't cheap, they just don't have the amount of income some players do. If needed, they could do a separate event with xtals for all of you guys that do.
  10. All you broke ass kingdoms shouldn't be able to compete with the grown ups
  11. Support
  12. Actually I did think before I posted, it's an tap tap game get over yourself. It would be a contest of who has the most pathetic life. All those sitting at home collecting welfare and unemployment checks with nothing better to do would win. Those of us with good paying hardworking jobs would have a disadvantage. That could normally be negated by xtals. In addition before you say that's what every other event is for please use your brain. Do I not deserve a chance at that event as well, just like how you are crying about your chance in this event. Chin up laddie there is always participation medals for the likes of you. Get used to it in real life
  13. Or being one of the longest playing people on this game I think that I have done my fair share of giving the devs money and would like to see the devs give back without promoting the massive flow of income. Yes it's their way of money but will a 5-day event kill the game for them? No. And it's a players choice to want to join that event so they will still have good cash flow from the people that just decide to EB.
  14. So you can see my favor count? Lol I'm almost top 100 without spending a dime yet. Have fun with your top 1000
  15. Why not it will support for the sake of trying this I under stand what Larry and onesy are saying I can't play for atleast 8 hours exept Saturday so only 24 full unloads a day would be fair
  16. Playing the longest does not mean that you have kept the devs going bud, get ahold of yourself. Keep that ego in check
  17. Current pvp event is too long :( 1 week seems about right
  18. Did I say I gave them enough money to stay running? No. Now, did I say I payed my fair share? Yes. I'm not sure if you comprehend while reading but you are not showing it. And ego? Bahahaha I don't need an ego, I just need enough funds. Sleep on it
  19. Agreed