PS is really only effective if u r a powerhouse like KUZMICH or a SH killer midish build. Be like KUZMICH Or have something like 3 mil spy atk and 5-6 mil spy def. something to ko sh's.
I just wondering... Any war clan can accept me as ps for war... So far, ppl comment mine build is bad for war
It is actually pointless and reflects completely on how much you know about pure spies and Estoc warrior. That knowledge is evidently = to 0. Try again next time. 4m ADT
If you are a PS with 4m ADT, might as well be a tower hansel.. You don't need ADT because your goal isn't to KO or steal people; it's to weaken their troops/spies so bigs can get attack KOs and gain insane plunder, or to weaken them so that way your bigs can plunder.
Warring as a ps has its pluses and minuses a big minus is that you lose like 1/3 of the actions you could do for your clan. But if you're clan has a couple of beasts up top that can't be hit effectively and the rest of you are ps then you're att actions won't be needed because the other clans troops will basically be useless. As a ps you'll only be open to steals but who steals anymore in ee. If they decide to waste their spies scout bombing you who cares because you don't have any plunder to take. IMO warring a ps is only worth while in a clan that wars a few lb then all ps. Lastly op this is what you get when you mess with us. Love the name by the way.
Damn that dudes right guess its time to drop build and ruin kaw more than it is already. Or maybe I could just war the account I do war in ee or did war until 1/2 way through season 3.
You could be a tower hansel, but then you have to have troops. My idea wasn't perfect, just an overall example because honestly when you are in a close war and your ps accidently gets a ko, you will lose.