Discussion in 'Wars' started by Adequate, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Devs should ban all of his/ her accounts. People might stop ******* around if that happens more often. Why have ee if you're not gonna stomp on cunts that **** with it?
  2. If everyone is so upset with hot pot, why does he still have over a tril in allies? Bet his main has even more. Get busy, offended folks.
  3. maybe elect a couple of mods or maybe "referees" to handle these situations?
  4. Good side of the story is easy . Some people enjoy pissing other people off for no reason other than "they can". The Internet is full of people like this. That's why takes like this have moderators and an active development staff. I am sure the developers won't let this slide.
  5. The ally this person owns -omerta- is also a big trouble maker. Most likely same person. Farm him instead. I know I do
  6. Ok first n foremost i dont agree with what the guy is doing however if u think about past wars we have seen thru the history of time (yes in the real world not in game) there has always been spies and what not to lend a upper hand to the other side.

    Now in game and imo what this guy is doing is being like a spy and helping the opposing team win by doing so.

    We do this n osw with spy alts i even seen it happen n asw3 when a hansel went ps and supposedly afk and then was stripped and we ended up winning.

    You wont always stop this kind of person but it is something we will have to live with cause im sure it happens by more than just him even n set roster wars.

    Just strip farm the perpetrator(s) and go on to the next war.
  7. So I agree moles are a part of the game
    Having two gold pots in same stat range PLUS your main so you can choose who has a better chance of winning is KaW style manipulation

    This needs to be addressed or S4 will have a bigger asterix than Mark Maguire and Sammy Sosa
  8. OP is a big fan of GP now eh?
  9. "Gold pot 2:leak harder" Cost me two wars this week love this guy.
  10. Hold on..I jus looked him/her up.. In the clan -katana- right?..

    That acct has 1.1T in allies.. Why don't u just strip him?.... Just sayin!

    WUB u gold pot ️
  11. Panda, please do let the powers that be know about him. He needs a perm ban. He has said he just hates indi wars and will continue just sabotaging wars. He needs gone.
  12. You can do 1 thing... Has 4 simple steps

    1) stop bitching
    2) find friends that will strip him with you
    3) find his tz
    4) when it's nap time for him u better be up an strippin 
    Youtube wlecome️
  13. Your* oops
  14. Lots chumps here complain
  15. Darn forgot a step... Your also gonna need like 1.2tril or watever to strip him
  16. Devs please put an end to this guy ruining our EE wars it is against ATA rules to war 2 accts at the same time and he openly admitted that he did tonight I wc ..
  17. Posting on forums like this aren't the place to report/call out players, and that they should contact support so it can be looked into, so I'll be locking this.

    If the developers investigates and finds that this player is throwing off the war by doing what's been said, they will take appropriate action against the user.
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