Pure Evil, keeping war classy

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jezza_of_Oz, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. What's underneath the edited screenshots?
  2. you see jezza some people do not know how to war , like it was meant to , perhaps they have a new tactic , try and ban people from the game . this happen to me while i was at war in the
    zig war . not too long ago there was a
    mod that silenced me because some
    one cried to him , and all i did was the same as you e mailed them the facts and got permanent silenced revoked .keep up the good work , remember the true honorable warriors don't spend time in forums showing ss of failed attacks , they just pin your behind and laugh in the shadows .
  3. Support Jezza 
  4. Well said martini 
  5. Why must the devs continue to cast a wide net with their bans? It's like they're fishing for tuna but catching every other goddamn thing in the ocean.

    And from a more saddening perspective...how many people have been wrongly banned that we don't know about?

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Is it only noobs inside iG nowdays?

    Stop complain you solved the problem, why show to the KaW world u succeed? U are not the first and not the last one...

    What really find me amusing is iG need to tell when they fix out their perm banned from forum or KaW

    I havent seen anyone complain from New Age when you fixed them silents for even post in wc, or me who use this alt cos my Twicc account is perm banned from forum, but also good it is done by iG, cos you would look much more bad if u dident fixed me perm banned ;)

    My 10cent, both sides love trash talk for real not some small Trolls or alt (yes forced to use alt ) :D

    None in New Age are scared over the big bad iG, hahaha we never use our alts always has used main accounts, open and honest what we think about you...

    iG so far succeded to close 2-4 forum threads that they looked bad in and was not OP of the threads... my god you are really noobs, pls send out the old school players cos they can both talk and fight at the same time. You rest noobs in iG side seems more you take a long sleep and try show you are big elephants but watch out for the small ants, enough of us we eat you up and take you down...

    Good look iG and pls amuse more with you noob posts, you starting make me laugh, and thats not often...


    PS a better post would have been when u took several T from me... but nooo you show kids stuff...
  7. @ Twicc

    I though you posted at Tiger_Assault wall that might you reset Twicc and start use your other account!

    Is hard decision or you love to open your sweet mouth and blah blah blah blah 
  8. P.S is not necessary to explain the reason you said that
  9. Ahhhhhhh yes and has to be a noob acct to talk crap . Um were not scared either if u haven't noticed lol.
  10. @ShadowKan

    hehe it was iG who fixed me perm banned with Twicc account in forum, in some ways i agree on the bann, so i havent complained, but yes forced to use alt, I love the irony, dont u?

    Come on, u can do better comment than that... I dare u...U are no kid Kan, we both know that so pls come with better post´s


    PS dont even bother comment Queen anymore, she makes things look bad as it is anyhow...
  11. Dear Forum banned TWICC, i don't love trash talk at all ... But. Just saying on tiger_assault (that we srripped for 2.4 T by the way just saying)... we hired you and claim loud and clear. On his wall ( i have ss in case ) that you will. Reset TWICC to hurt IG ... Well. seems you did not. But nobody was trusting you on that .. To reset a acct you must have. What makes a men a real men .. ... And seems this is not the case  Show me you're a real strong one push RESET 

  12. resetresetresetreset
    u will be my hero for resetting lmao
  13. So this is an iG thread? hmmmm..seems like it will stay for a long time.. not our style to derail a thread.. We may trash talk but will not stoop down as to talk non-sense and try to make a perfectly valid and honest opinion in the forum closed or get thrown in the graveyard.

    Look at that thread opened by radarchef about tuna and sammiches :lol: Its in a War section when it should have been put into the off topic section. Apparently no Mod wanted to touch it, and transfer it to the correct forum section.

    Such is the IG's double standard BS.. It stinks everywhere...
  14. Awwww poor little scouty.

    3 whole paragraphs of tears there. Did you get it all off your chest pumpkin? Would you like to tell us some more about you have been wronged? Tissues aren't anywhere near as good as crying on forums are they princess. Far more cathartic to tell all of kaw how upset you are than it is to actually pucker up and shed the tears in private.

    I think really you're trying to tell us you're a bit of an iG groupie!! Unrequited love perhaps? Are Radar or Jezza going to come home and find you covered in chocolate sauce sniffing your way through their underwear draw? Let it go, I think perhaps we need a kaw counseling service.
  15. My Tuna Salad Recipe throwdown was my way of having fun. I appologize if it violated the terms of your Forum Troll Dewey Decimel systems or whatever method you prefer to use.

    I play this game to have a good time and I think we can all agree that Tuna Salad is pretty fun stuff. So, if you aren't picking up what I'm putting down you have the freedom to scroll and troll elsewhere.

    Chronic complaining is so last week. Dry it up, pop some mith and an xtal and handle your business. You know where to find me. That goes for all the cry babies who need a binkie.
  16. Aww medicguy, its actually the opposite, i'm sure you didn't miss the emoji from my post?

    Such witty comeback deserved this:


    I'm sure the OP would rather appreciate your post if it was directed to him.. :lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: How about that..I'm sure you will not miss that, so it won't be construed as cry of tears.

    Google search is such a wonderful invention isn't medicguy? :lol: Your Kangaroo response is weak.

    iG still stinks though..hahahahaha
  17. LOL, just LOL

    I think you managed to cut few things off Jezza babe

    Like the fact where I said we kinda knew you were banned...

    But its all good. Pure Evil is not here to "fight the good fight" or "stand on moral high ground".

    Damn, we are Pure Evil. We simply do not care. We play to our own amusement, arrange farmfests, strip players unprovoked and laugh at the ss at 3rd party app, when victim wakes up. Thats what we do.

    During this war, we LOL at ss of your cc, 3rd party app etc. Good to see so many iG's all butt hurt. To me, that has been most supricing thing of all.

    Trash talk and that stuff belong to osw, always have, always will.

    And, to talk about strips, pots and stuff like that.. WHO CARES? Only EB heroes. We ain't here to make gold. We are here to LOL and have fun, which atm our good iG friends are providing.

    Good luck to you all
  18. Chronic complaining? Read the OP's opening thread..

    Can I have a few tuna sammiches too?
