Puppets of the Cordimancer

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Nothing wrong with Aqua/Inferno drop rates other than impatient ppl. Put in the time n much takes care of itself. Want the express lane open the wallet if not then not.
  2. Two words.

    Free stuff.
  4. It goes beyond the fact that it's 'free stuff'. The devs are doing the same thing over and over again. They just put up some new pictures, a new story and a new promo name. But they're all the same. I for one wouldn't mind promos so much if they were more spaced out and if they actually tried to make them different. Just because it's free doesn't mean they should not put any effort in. All I see is them working on promos. What about the rest of the game? EE? Clan loyalty? Clan structure? PvP? There's been a bunch of suggestions put forward by the players - yet next to none receive any recognition because all they're focused on is promos. IMO people would complain less if they communicated more and showed the player base that promos aren't all they're interested in. I think people just want to see them doing more than just promos. They may very well be working on several new installments - but we don't know that if they don't tell us.
  5. I agree that communication is zero to none from the devs - problem is - when they do communicate they get the crap beat out of them- but theyve created this hostile situation by not communicating in the first place and also letting several problems fester for way too long

    They need to start communicating through locked threads only imo

    Give us a brief monthly update - what community concerns theyre focusing on , what theyre working on etc

    The community feels neglected - if your wife isnt happy and when you get home you dont tell her how youre going to try change or make things better and you just ignore her for a year and keep doing same thing over and over - what happens ?

    We are your wife kaw - and we have a pre-nup.
  6. Agree free stuff problem is it's the same events over and over again like exactly the same no creativity at all just run back to back event milking it why people are quitting left and right.
  7. Yeah people hate on devs whenever they talk...but are they dealing with what's being said? I can't see them dealing with much. Their comments and responses in threads are few and far between and their email responses aren't that much better at times.

    I think a monthly update would be a great idea. No one knows if they're even considering any new ideas for the game. The players don't have a crystal ball. We can't read their minds. Maybe if they make more of an effort to communicate with the player base, the players would be more responsive.

    I know there are constant complaints about the state of the game, I complain also. But most players just want to see KaW do well and there are some great ideas out there if the devs take the time to look and see them.
  8. Actually for this event they have actually tried to talk in the earlier pages of the thread. Compare that to previous events where we get silence or blatant "blindness" to negative comments. Its an improvement I guess.
  9. A few extra responses was good to see. But I think they need to increase communication between players and devs dramatically. I think after one of the first few promos they took a survey or something? Can't really remember but I think they might have. Even something like that is a good way to gauge community opinions generally.
  11. no event = hit ebs
    event = hit ebs
    Why is an event more boring than no event... :/

  12. Lmao so true. It's just more stuff for doing same thing you were gonna do.
  13. It seems ATA has left this app and are concentrating on new apps,they have passed this app over to a assembly line robot that just churns out the same old models like a cars assembly line.The only difference is instead of colours it's name and pictures that are alternated,it's only a matter of time before they discontinue this model and release a new model.Repetition breeds contempt and contempt leads to uninstall.
  14. Thanks! 
  15. Spy based banner exactly like this one next event please ! :)
  16. Lol Wink, the only thing they'll take from your comment is you want another event 
  17. Event equals want to do well empty wallet. Old events had some skill or luck not just whoever sends the most. Forget this crap and fix EE wars
  19. Still looking forward for spyglass reward event. ....
  20. Can u make it to where you can open more than 1 box a day without spending nobs?