Wow. Do you always get upset when you are complimented. Very odd fellow. Can't help facts as they were. Just recalling a memory from those happy times. If that upsets you somehow. Maybe they were not that happy. Something troubling you? Very odd reaction. Well others can work out why the over the top reaction to a walk down memory lane. Where you were personally complimented. But hey ho. I don't care Better go before we upset kaw for derailing the thread tho.
Complimented... Was that what it was supposed to be? Cuz it sounded like you were calling me and my old clan bullies for warring with other clans Lolz But if you were actually trying to make it a compliment I apologize. It didn't seem that way at all. Already have run into multiple people here that came out of the woodworks to trash on me and ISS now that they are BC with big clans protesting them lolz
Puppets of the Cordimancer Once upon a time, in the land of KaW, Osfs would open for the Kingdoms and the kingdoms grew. The Cordimancer could not profit from this. So the Cordimancer created Epic Battles so all the kingdoms could profit and grow quickly. The use of real doubloons to the Cordimancer increased the profit and growth. But as with all growth, it subsides, so the Cordimaster introduces Events! Events combines Real Doubloons and OSF mentality so the kingdoms and the Developers can both profit. Cordimaster* So continue on Puppets... Collect those flowers... or w/e
Hahahahaha.... All this chirping . I guess I would be pissed too if I were stupid enough to spend thousands of dollars to build a kingdom that I never actually warred with ! Seriously some players need a little reality check ... Put your phone down and spend some time with your real friends . The ones you could buy a coffee and actually personally connect with . The rewards will greatly outweigh chasing a silly icon on your equipment page that doesn't actually make you a better person or player .
Waste of time to do PvP. Don't bother to achieve 750 nobes which equate to 1 jewel. To collect up to 2 Jewel of influence is sufficient unless players are able to spend silly monies and time here.
It's actually easy, you can easily get 150 a drop. That's 5 drops for a jewel, or without spell 8 drops for a jewel, hardly difficult tbh.
It's not that hard I got total of 20. I was only getting 10 per drop. Oh and I had work 75% of the time during the event
No support for this event. Since it encorages /influences towards demons and black magic. Its looks like dev themselves forgot that this game is for 12+ age childerns which are getting expose to this nonsense / crap. So Biiigggggg nooooooo suppppport.