Public Survey (Marijuana)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DoogleBoy, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. If weed is for losers, then please do tell what your drug of choice is.

    Debbie cakes?
  2. My drug is the gospel man...I'm high on it 24/7. Strawberry swirl shortcakes too.
  3. Well Master KungFu, considering religion has wiped out more ppl then marijuana ever has and continues to cause more damage then marijuana ever has, I think only ppl who have had in depth psychology tests should be allowed to practice government regulated and approved religions.
    90% of western culture are on one drug or another, excessive partaking of all things is the problem not marijuana.
  4. -Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

    Yes, restrictions similar to alcohol should be enforced though.

    -Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?

    The history behind why it is illegal is really messed up. It was a tool used to incite discrimination and prejudices against a certain ethnicity.

    Some of the main reasons it remains illegal is its potential commercial applications that would directly compete with conglomerate corporations.

    -Question 3) Have you ever used it before?

    Used it? Lol. Ill just say yes.

    -Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    This is a tricky one, but i do have my own opinion that i feel has merit. This is from my own personal observations and experiences.

    I believe for a large majority of those who move on harder substances have a personality trait that one way or another, they will place themselves in situations where they will encounter different and stronger drugs.
  5. +1 I couldn't say it better myself


  7. It's a proven fact that weed along with any other drug kills brain cells.
  8. That is false ...Alcohol is proven to be more harmful then marijuana. Marijuana is only bad for developing minds otherwise it's fairly innocuous unless extremely extremly abused (per John Hopkins studies among others) trust me I've tried to kill myself from marijuana abuse ...dsnt work

  9. Support, I tried to OD on weed, it's impossible... My cupboards and my fridge were the only things that suffered..
  10. Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?
    It has side effects. Just Google it to know about it.

    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?
    No, I haven't.

    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?
    Yes. Because some people like to try more dangerous things. Maybe for experience? Or they think they haven't reached what they want from alcohol or marijuana.
  11. Don't see why its illegal tbh nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned I don't smoke weed just don't see anything wrong with it.
  12. Don't think there is a drug more dangerous than alcohol tbh.
  13. Morphine.

  14. You should google those stats, I'm sure you'll be surprised and looking for that edit button bud
  15. Please use more reliable sampling methods for your stat project, Chris. See me at school on Monday -Mr Henderson
  16. Morphine? Alcohol is more dangerous than heroin and crack.
  17. Sorry tobacco is more dangerous than alcohol but isn't it crazy these 2 drugs are legal they make to much money I suppose.
  18. 1). Yes
    2). The medicinal benefits aswell as the unmatched ability to calm and perceive things in a better nature. I believe it is a healthier alternative to drinking alcohol for a good time.
    3). Yes, and currently still use it
    4). Not all marijuana users will be crack addicts but you won't find a crack addict that didn't start with marijuana. Personally it's not been a gateway for me as I don't even drink alcohol.
  19. Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?
    *scientifically has been proven to cure and aid in many medical conditions that are otherwise painful for the subjects. Along with the revenue of the legalization taxes that would come with it.
    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?
    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    *No, this in my opinion is solely dependent on the person. If one wants to try coke or meth then that person has a mindset already. Using other substances such as marijuana in my opinion does not lead to a person making such decisions.

    Thank you for participating in this survey.[/quote]
  20. 1.) Yes.
    2.) Because it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. Likewise it has been economically beneficial in areas where legalized. Also it would become a controlled market and taxable.
    3.) Yes.
    4.) Not necessarily. I hate the term "gateway drug" because it suggests that a formula for addiction exists because of any other drugs. It really is more so a way that was utilized to help demonize marijuana to the normal consumer. If marijuana (a non physiologically-addictive substance) is a "gateway" drug then so are actual addictive legal substances. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. Id say all of those actually nurture an addictive nature and persona in a person far more than marijuana due to they are actually physiologically addictive.

    That being said the entire fact that many of the states who recently have legalized marijuana have seen a decrease in other illegal (and illegally obtained legal) narcotics use should itself be indicative that marijuana being a gateway drug is propaganda.