To add to that luck star: Canada will be legalizing it soon as well. We're just waiting for legislation to pass as our new government took office 10 days ago.
Nathan- Canada has always looked at cannabis as non criminal. It's the U.S. Gov that have pressured the Canadian gov to prosecute ppl like Marc Emery (who was a very successful businessman) that made tensions uneasy. I respect the effort Canada is making in working towards their beliefs and snubbing the arm twisting America has done to them for so long. Long Live BC for their progressive movement
1) no. 2) dope is for dopes. 3). Once. Ended up incarcerated for 13 yrs. 9 mos. 13 days. 4). Duh. See above. Couple bong hits led to monster rails that 3 days later found me in a crack house bootin' up minutes before a squatter war that ended in 2 counts of homicide. 8 years crystal meth addiction in the big house before I was saved by my own personal Jesus, wine
Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana? yes Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it? There is no reason for it to be illegal imo Question 3) Have you ever used it before? Yes, not often tho Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why? No. If someone wsnts to do heroin, he does heroin even if he didnt take any drugs before.
Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana? Why the hell not. Less rules the better. Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it? Cause I'm against those fascist right winger Americans trying to eliminate everything that I find fun like my purn stash. Question 3) Have you ever used it before? Nope. Women are my drugs. Hard to get in Japan as well. Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why? No bloody idea.
Q1) Yes Q2) When I was younger I had a strong belief that people who smoke marijuana we're lazy, unmotivated, and overall negative. Now that I'm older I know that the only reason I thought that was because it was that type of person who would make it clear that they smoked marijuana. I've learned that many people smoke marijuana for all kinds of reasons. In fact most of the brightest intellectuals I've met in college have told me they smoke about once a week. Q3) I'm going to Decline to answer this because it could affect future job applications that lead to a Google search of my username. Q4) Yes, I do. However I believe it's a gateway to something other than harder drugs. In my opinion, Marijuana makes you okay with the way things are. Now for a student, going through a tough semester, a parent taking care of a new born, or a doctor coming off a 12 hour ER shift, smoking a bit to relax is understandable. The problem, I feel, arises from people who smoke marijuana because they have nothing better to do. It makes people feel okay with mediocrity. In this situation it allows you to feel content with not wanting anything. However this is a spiritual difference between me and those people. If you want to live like Budda and be content with letting go of your desires then I will make no judgement of you. I respect that you've made your choice. In fact I'd fair to say that a person who lives their life this way knows a bit more than I do about what it means to be alive. I've got to much Friedrich Nietzsche in me.
1)Yes 2) I support the legislation of marijuana because it will bring in revenue, less ppl in prison. Which in turn saves more money for the government. 3) I have never used Marijunana because have never need to try it, Maybe for medical reasons then I might try in the future if doctor recommends till then I will be drug free. 4) Marijunana can be a gateway drug if ppl can't control them selves after trying it once and starts thinking about stronger drugs.
Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana? Yes with conditions Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it? Provided that the people are in a safe place and that should medical attention be needed to those who need they would be there it is also less dangerous to the general public Question 3) Have you ever used it before? No Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, Yes
1) absolutely YES 2) Because I don't see any clear reason not to legalize it. 3) YES, a lot in high school and collage 4) No
Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana? Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it? Question 3) Have you ever used it before? Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why? 1-Yes 2-I believe we should have the right to consume anything we want. 3-Everyday 4- Yes,but so are cigarettes and alcohol, any drug with easy access and mild affects can be considered a gateway.
It leads to other things, maybe not at first, but it really does, personal right there. Here's my artwork
1. Yes 2. Why should we waste so much time and resources locking up stoners. Makes 0 sense. 3. Yes, a lot 4. I suppose it could be, but the only reason people have called it a gateway drug is because it's been so taboo that a lot of the people who are willing to try it would also be the kind of people to try other things that are also taboo drugs.
Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana? Absolutely. Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it? I support the legalazation of marijuana because I believe its time we start to open our eyes up. And realize how much the giverment has lied to us on the topic. Question 3) Have you ever used it before? Quite a few times. Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why? Absolutely not, when I smoke a spliff I want some chips and a gatorade or something not crack cocaine. What creates gateways is the illegality of marijuana. Marijuana being criminal is what creates a black market for it. And a gateway to other drugs through dealers. The drug itself possess no element which makes you want to go on to other drugs.
1-2)yes, the legalization has many benefits but I don't want to bore you with paragraph after paragraph so I will keep it short. It helps alleviate the pain and dampens the nausea effects in cancer patients, also helps with their appetite. It relieves some of effects of PTSD (a friend of mine could hardly sleep after coming back to the states without drinking themself to the point of paying out until they were introduced to marijuana). It is also safer than alcohol. Unlike the public perception of it, marijuana didn't make you lazy unless you choose to just be lazy while high. 3) yes
I find rather funny that most of the people (not only here) that are against marihuana legalization haven't tried it, not even once, in their entire lives. If you're gonna talk crap about something, you might as well try it first.