Op, you might as well posted "He beat me up and took my lunch money, Mommy will you get it back for me!".....lol
Youre all stupid! this isnt my main acciunt! my main acckunt is busy stripping josher paychostupidemperor and the rest of te dumbgulators! you guys can laugh now bit when my main comes back and strips all lf you with our huge ig bh alliance youll all feel really stupid! and no stupid emperor im not tellung you my main! P.S no more regulators are allowed to post my wall! its on my banner and houre breaking tou by postibg, so stop it or illl report you, im NOT joking.
stop it hurts so much to laugh at this amount of butt hurt :lol: dude just reset your main YOU clearly can't war and are crying on forums (great plan btw working reeeeaaaallllyyy well) just making yourself look far more butt hurt and like a noob than you were before you posted on forums, it's just fake gold why you so mad bro?
OP may I give you a couple pieces of advice. 1. Review what you write carefully before you post. Then don't do it. 2. This is a war game. The whole purpose is to attack each other. 3. Choose your targets carefully. Calling out the Regulators in the forums, bad idea!
I was just noticing that too Galen. Oh well I gotta get back to that losing strategy of strip-farming people who are off line. l8r