Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OcToPuS, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. How did u get permed silenced?
  2. Look at page 4
  3.  at least it was for a good reason
  4. You know, I have around 700,000 spies, and your ONE ******* wandering villager defeats me? WTF man
  5. That's my 5th silence btw
  6. They are string fearsome spies lol
  7. Lmao I remember ur first two when me u n dreydon800 or whatever his name was all were in same clans n u were me n his head admin lol
  8. Lol
    My spies be like

    "Oh **** man oh **** man it's a wanderer!"

    "oh ****!"

    "shut up Tony!"

    "No YOU shut up!"

    "damnit Brian!!!"

    "know he's on to us!!!"

    *17,000 randomly die*
  9. Tony and brain seem like such generic names for spies
  10. 3/10 are named Tony, 6/10 named Brian, 1/10 named Jimmy.

    (that's my name!)
  11. Yes James but everyone calls me Jimmy. I was a Jr. And my dad was called James and I was Jimmy.
  12. What?! Lol couldn't hear you over the sound of titties smacking together. Lol
  13. I got 5 from hte, and id bet my ass rotwb drops them too
  14. It doesn't. They said HtE, didn't say anything about RotWb
  15. Apparently absolet felt the need to barge in on our pvp
  16. Geez shadow don't be such a noob
  17. Shadow, I get ur ass. Rotwb ain't dropping
  18. I already have it dibs it
  19. I got 5 also