Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OcToPuS, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Ewww I don't want an inactive
  2. Yea I have friends that would help me strip but not on 2-hour notice lol
  3. I think u guys took this way to seriously
  4. What u do is find a farmer who's farmed many ppl recently n complaining on his wall n organize them all to fund ur strip on him, it's great
  5. I don't think we have
  6. Wow
    Such truth
    Such overreaction
    Such yes

    Yea we did lol but I haven't got much action lately lol
  7. Action as in women or hits?
  8. Hahahahaha he definitely means women  sorry cheese
  9. Let's not be rude and stay on topic I will confirm I just got a 25 poison drop from hte i sealed
  10. The topic is no longer psion dropping from HtE lol
  11. Have u tried a hooker?

    Make sure she is clean may cost a little extra but it's worth it .
  12. Full metal machine please leave my thread you are derailing and going off topic thanks
  13. He's actually on topic tho lol
  14. Last one I got was a different sex than I thought it was going to be. O.O
  15. No he's quite off
  16. I know I was kidding lol