Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OcToPuS, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Eagle is a sh little *****
  2. Well, eagleslayer, you need a comma after well. You are indeed illiterate also.
  3. U failed and I'm at 35% troops and spies
  4. I just unloaded almost everything on eb, u got what's left of my regen with no pots used, it's pathetic I didn't fail all
  5.  yep shows how badass u are
  6. Eagles JUST got the 85 successful defenses achievement. It's his latest. Shows how badass he is.

    And btw


    Pinned and Zeroed by me

    Your good to go midnight!
  7. Ok  ur gonna brag how I failed on ur 35% I'm just explaining why I did. Trust me I don't care about ur opinion or how "badass" I am on a 9 game
  8. Let's sit on him all night he regens at :00 :05... I'm up for it if you are lol
  9. These Eb for the bees pay crap anyway
  10.  I'm glad you guys have nothing better to do
  11. Im perm silenced so I have to say our battle plans all out in the open lol but im good for the next 6 hours... And if he falls asleep... Muah-hahah!
  12. Lol eagles it's a war game with very very little PvP

    people will do anything for some

    Oh you said I was illiterate? ***** take this lmao
  13. I got the funds haha my whole 6bill  what'd u do to get perm silenced
  14. Look on page 4

    And I have enough banked to get the 67b and 215b not enough for the 600b one. But I have a couple friends... Lol
  15. I didn't say anything to u string 
  16. Forgetmenot, this won't get locked as it's on topic Bc op is changing it's topic I believe but there is a genuine discussion and it's pvp which needs to come back mods won't lock
  17. Bit it's off topic about the hte thing
  18. No no don't call friends let's keep this somewhat honorable lol if he would be a great person n strip me tonight I would love him tho, 300 bill inactive sitting on me