Mithril payout to ps are rubbish, i knocked out 5 people and stayed full spies though whole war we won war, mithril payout was 20mithril! Seriously??
Factors which affects mith payouts: 1-number of enemy def pots you burn. 2-number of atk/spy pots you use on enemy. 3-number of miths used to cast spells b4 war. 4-successful actions done during war. PS dont get good mith payouts because most PS just SB most of the time. 1-scouts doesnt burn enemy def pots. 2-most PS doesnt use spy atk pots to scout. 3-PS casts lesser mith spells(B.fury
the first indvidual wars on friday i was in the clan dark rovers. Had 102 actions, 6 kos and got 65 mith
Krieg- any noob can war as a ps as well. Maybe actually fight a real osw or something? You know, just a thought.