"PS can't war"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Assasin_for_Hire, May 31, 2014.

  1. What is this knockout war system and where can a noob such as myself learn about it.
  2. 1) my first war as a PS ( haven't warred for 2-3 months)
    2) On the rare chance you see a PS warring they rarely go over 70m
  3. Congrats OP. You can KO someone. Here's a medal.
  4. Lol SH talking :lol:
  5. I do not see what is comical about a certain build talking to another player. Please be more specific.
  6. SH are usually EE noobs , i disregard them if they try talking about EE

    PS take the most "skill" so yes only getting leaking 1 successful attack on me , while not getting SKOd and getting 500m is good.

    SH wouldn't know EE "skill" if it hit it on the head
  7. Was in that war! Lol
  8. :| Hte fairy? :lol: did you bother to look at my equip dumb ass? I was a PS and a SH so i know exactly wtf im talking about. Im using hte (like over half of kaw) for this stupid promo tht i feel compelled to do. Please use intelligence in your next post/thread bc this thead serves no purpose other than to up your ego. Congrats you ko'ed someone. Woopdydoo. :lol:
  9. Yup it's a promo , a 6 month promo
  10. You didn't ko me.
  11. This was me last war as a ps


    I was pretty happy
  12. Same thing happened to my brother as pure spy... He had most actions in war and devs wouldn't give a single egg because they said he didn't do enough for his size... While I had like 18 actions and got plenty eggs... Wtf?
  13. I almost never cast more than the original 4 spells.
    Even with just that amount casted I can get 70 back, while those who cast 40 or 50 only get 90 back. It really does have a lot to do with performance... And build type.
  14. its good if a clan has atleast 1-2 PS but more than that it's dangerous unless you've lots of LBs.

    Also I've warred with many builds but I liked warring as a PS the most, only down side is you've gotta bank real quick when you get a KO and You make only like 10-15mith profit at the max for a winning war, so far I've made -2,-6 overall mith in my past 2 wars which we won.
  15. No ones said ps cant war.. Ps is one of the huge issues of clan stacking.
  16. Please please hybrids keep swapping to attack builds.
    No hybrids in a roster = a dream for towered hansels we more useful than pure spy if there's no hybrids 
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong pls as I often forget plenty of things, but I believe ps were first implemented in EE to combat the sh stacking? Possibly first done by the S26 clan or whatever it's called?(yes too lazy to look it up exactly)

    So if my memory is correct then ps in EE was implemented for a specific purpose and at least for a while was successful until most of kaw saw this and started trying to do the same.

    I haven't known anyone to say that ps can't war only that when facing a clan with more than a few ps you may be bored into defeat if not a ps yourself.