We all know you made this thread because you are salty that trump beat hillary in the electoral college
Ironically enough, it was the common people, also known as the "silent majority", who voted for Trump. You see, while the media was making quite a ruckus over how deplorable Trump, people who actually cared more about living a life they're satisfied with heeded less attention to the media, which if you didn't know, is controlled by multimillion dollar corporations which only serve to further the advances of politicians. In short, the American people voted for trump because he has not been a politician up until this election
You sir are very good at regurgitation, where'd you learn that? Lemme guess the US school system? Get your own ideas and thoughts stop regurgitating trash other people say
You are an idiot, the electoral system gives more power to the liberal hotbeds Cali gets like 50 votes, NY 29, so tell me how you ding ding does that help the "southern slavery promoting" states. The more infuriating part is how you brought slavery into this.
What is posting your opinion on kaw going to do to make change to the political system? Answer: nothing
You're right. Let's fix this. Here's my add on. If the person is running for president than that said individual can not be under investigation on federal offenses. oops. CLinton loses again
Also the electoral college insures that candidates seek to address all Americans and not urban areas with high populations When you think about it the electoral college was a great idea I do want to say that you create a dangerous precedent by discounting the election, protesting and/or rioting. Does that mean in the future when your candidate wins, the opposition can riot? Every election has winners and losers, it's up to the candidates and the ppl to accept the results and move on. Did I want trump to win? No. lol, did I want Hilary to win? No. but i do know that if Hilary won, trump supporters would doin the same thing - rioting and protesting - and the whole time hilary's supporters would be shaking their heads calling them idiots. Personally I think both sides are immature and hypocrites. If anything, these protests reveal that Hilary's supporters are no better than trump supporters. This has been the most worst election ever - the candidates and their supporters are all so juvenile
Actually on the contrary, the existence of "battleground" states ensures that candidates pay NO heed to more conventionally voting states like California/Texts. They also largely discredit smaller states, such as Montana and Alaska. On all the other points I agree
If trump supporters lost, we'd be rioting ? Pfft, hardly. We didn't when Obama was elected, twice, while he continued to train wreck the country. We are so much worse off today, than when that man was elected as POTUS. The rioters, flag burners, low employment statistics, lack of manufacturing, continuation of NAFTA, consumer economy, all contributed to Trump winning. Been an avid Trump supporter since he announced he was gonna play the game. Not a lifelong politician, but a multi-billionaire, who can't be bought. The more the establishment and the media hated him, the more and more I liked him. If you can make Washington DC that upset and afraid, you're doing something right. Heck, he's not even taking his measly $400,000 per year salary as POTUS. He's even giving that back to the American people. Excellent man. Then again, I speak my mind and not afraid to feast on liberal tears . They taste like bubble gum. :O
I always wonder why all these people that seem to have it figured out (i.e. Op) are sitting on there keyboards yelling at us. It would be my thought that if you seem to have it locked down then get off your kaw app and get involved in your local legislation and work your way in to politics. But hey your the genius I'm just a guy playing a tap game.
On one hand, yeah the american system is outdated, but on the other hand trump still one fair and square just like any other president has, at the very least give the guy a chance even if it is totally ridiculous that he was voted in lol