HUGELY Support both ideas. This will help provide a healthy influx of new players which any game designed as this one is needs for it's survival.
MileyDawg, when you started, highlands was new and there was plenty of allies. It is a different game now, than it was 3 years ago.
@Mikey That's one of the problems. They CAN'T grow like we did. They get vollied to extraordinary amounts, and don't know what to do with the gold. The tutorial only covers about 20% of KaW. KaW_Co's beginner thread isn't that great at all. People aren't running the EBs for the newbs and prefer to run the high tier HTE's.
I recently reset and managed just fine. I joined a warbeasts clan and started hitting. I was volleyed and was able to find allies under 1b. No problems. I grew to that stats I am now at least 5x quicker than I used to.
Mikey... That's not the problem. They don't know HOW to play. They don't know how to join a clan: EBs make more money. Know that allies get you more gold. They don't know what EBs they can hit and what they can't.
MikeyDawg, you know how to grow though, you have a few years under your belt, this offer is for players who are starting for the first time. To many are currently quitting because of problems with getting allies and max plunder, as well as how long it takes for some players to grow. (Not everyone joins sub clans and War Beast as well as the Squid is slow growth.) That an not everyone pays to play. This proposition if for them and also to help keep new players from quitting.
:lol: Most noobs look in forums and learn the basics. If they don't, that's their fault. I would support and option that educates noobs a little better about mechanics without giving the game away
@Mikey Really? You think people go into a game and be like, "huh, how do you play this game, better check the forums!"? I don't know anybody that does that. Also as I said, the forum that KaW does give you is KaW_Co's and let me tell you something, it's not really that good.
Support to both, but at what point in time would option 1 run out and they would have to learn about allies
I support both ideas but there should be reminders in the newz feed regarding ally spell.. That give tips about max plunder and such, while counting down the days until the end of the spell.. These tips should sound and use urgent language the player understands the siignificants
Love the max plunder bonus ally idea. Keeping allies long enough to hit the eb once without them getting bought is a pain when you're new.