Proposition to help New Players.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Support and support!
  2. I support both ideas.

    And would like add one myself.

    Devs create x amount of clans(3-5 maybe) that only run warbeast(just using as an example ) and automatically start a new one once completed.

    Warbeast for these clans would not have an eb timer and would only alow players with the new spell entry. Entry would be also automatic for the new players.
  3. Support
  4. The dev starter clans have been brought up before and it was obvious that it is impractical. Would require too much time to preform and the developers are busy as it is.

    A better tutorial would be of great help, but atlas, that is another subject for another forum. It may be good to make a separate forum post that would raise the price of creating clans from 25 billion to 1 trillion. Mainly because at 1 trillion, players would be wiser about dumping that much gold into something that could have major effects to kaw's new players.

    Still, this all is for another forum thread, and though it has a similar subject, is not apart of these particular proposals.
  5. how nice of you support.!
  6. Support both
  7. The type of starter clan i was suggesting would be fully auto.

    Would only run one eb. After eb completion it would automatically start the same eb again.

    Entry into clan would also automatically grant access to players with an active beginner spell.

    And to make it even less complicated, the eb that is asigned to the clan wouldnt have a time limit. Basically it cant fail, just take longer.

    I honestly think something like this would be rather easy to set up and would require about as little monitoring /managing the devs could hope for. Kinda like "set itand forget it" type of system.
  8. I think the simplest, most logical solution would be to increase the pay of being hired from 1m to a more suitable pay. Nothing spectacular. 5-10m per hire wouldn't topple KaWs economy. It would get new players started faster. With the added growth from the bottom comes ally trading from the higher levels now that smaller accounts are growing faster.
  9. Jedi. That idea has merit.
  10. That takes away the human element and from it takes away any mentorship.

    This game is very boring if the only goal is to collect gold and grow.

    Started clans build bonds by players working together to beat an eb in the allotted timeframe.

    Also by players learning from veteran players about the mechanics and ally system. That is the hook.

    After a few months of play is where players decide if they want to be farmers, EE warriors, or EB Fairies or a combination of them all. Still, it is the human interaction, either from bonds made by your friends or rages by your enemy that makes the game worth playing.

    Though your idea could help in growth, I believe it would create more turnovers than this game already has.

    The betterment of starter clans is a community ordeal, not a developers one. If you feel it is something you want to dedicate your time, effort, and ideas in then follow me in game and lets brain storm on how we can create a community effort to ensure greater starter clans.

    This effort can go as far as getting like minded individuals from many different clans to open up a host of starting clans, then at the end of player training, they can choose a perm clan. Trainers would rotate responsibilities and time to do training and help with growth and mechanics. EBs, EE, OSW, and Ally Market would be a subject of training and all of the fine details in between. - Like Basic Training.

    Hell could set up a volunteer draft of ran right. (Like pro sports do)

    Still all of this would have to be solely ran by players. Devs could add perks, but honestly, shouldn't.

    Again follow me and we can brainstorm if you wish.
  11. I still believe that would only be a short term fix to an issue that can and will only get bigger as time goes on.
  12. They can join a haunt, hit items, get like 900M each time.
  13. Support . My heart really goes out to new players. In a way they are the next generation of KAW and for KAW to survive it needs new players.
  14. I have no real solution to this problem but i do agree it is a problem as a new player i struggled to buy and keep allies to get atvmax plunder and i feel like the first 3 days of play is important if i didnot have such good ppl directing me (shout out to bam krypt bam boom boom room and my current owner and wog_academy i would have quit already ) the allies really need to be addressed ( see mooses treasure chest for my idea ) retention is important in any game i give props to all who help us noobs its a tough job :)
  15. I agree with both
  16. I think the underlining issue here all kind of funnels down to one thing. Kaw can be extremely boring when you are new.

    And then they find out that its gonna take months possibly to build a kingdom that is decent enough to participate in things like ee. Or get into a clan that actually has a lively cc.

    If your are a person that is more into a game with a social community then yeah, you will atleast have that we you begin.

    But if game play is what you were hoping to dive into, well... How many of us have had to tell someone they need to grow first? Im thinking maybe a lot of us have.

    Thats just how i see it from my perspective though.
  17. Support. Definitely one of the best ideas I've seen. Both of these could help bridge the gap while keeping a steady flow of new players.
  18. Support both ideas.