Roni, i am one of the biggest hitters in this game, and im talking balls to the walls 24 xstals a day into a roster. However, with this tower meta i refuse to dump 24 xstals of fails into a roster or dump 3 xstals into one person just to pin them. That is absurd mechanics. You misunderstand this entire thread.
TBH we don't need strips to go faster, that's not the problem, also towers should offer a good defence otherwise what is the point
16% or less of a builds total cs is great defense on towers, but i enjoy osw without having to have BFA to slam through 300m (over 16%) to win as a fully offensive build. I think ide rather just keep EB'ing and watch invictus and apoc go at it hiding behind insane tower builds, stripping eachother with a tiny window. At the end of the day Onesy, i've put the math into this and this would still give towers good defense if 16% of your total cs is towers, but it would penalize those above 16% by making them easier to strip. This deincentivizes overkill tower builds that i see everywhere.
No support, enough plunder is sacrificed just having the towers there to begin with and not having a plunder building there.