Proposal to Make a Mismatch EE fun for the Losers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. No one has even trailed the trial. Can we please stop complaining.
  2. @a johnney.

    There is always complaining. Most of the complaining now are from people too lazy to try something new. Well in football, if you got a great pass defense but the other guys always run the ball, you start learning to defend against the run as well. You don't stand around crying for the other team to start throwing it again.
  3. @kozmo

    This system is not designed to make winners out of losers. It is designed for losers to have a little more fun while losing. In some of these mismatches, losers barely get to fight 5 minutes out of two hours, even with xstals. Hopefully these adjustments will allow then to be active for 15 min instead of 5. Either way the result is the same, just the overall enjoyment factor for both sides is increased.
  4. No support
    Ee war are for team work not solo
  5. I also find it incredibly amusing how's my people think EE wars were somehow magically perfect the first time we played it. All sports go through growing periods and adjustments. EE wars are no exception.
  6. @jeff

    Why the hell would team work suddenly disappear? Sorry, but lets try to make sense.
  7. Phil, have you ever lost an EE war?
  8. @phil
    Did u not read the thread?
  9. Lol he made the tread stupid
  10. Support. I hated getting mobbed
  11. Then build proper and pay ur dues learning how to war and work together .... And no wars weren't perfect but the main mechanics were great it was the how and why of matching that has been the issues ....
  12. Yes great clans will adapt ... And will still kick the crap outta loser clans ... It won't happen in 1 week it will take time again to perfect their individual strategys and rebuild for this type of war ... Loser will get a short reprieve from being totally destroyed in war ... But this will just make a whole new set of issues as clans figure it out not fix the issues that were already here ... It's not making a small change it's completely starting over
  13. If this was football it would be like changing the rule if u score u don't have to kick off anymore u can just keep the ball next time .... The point of getting a player to sko or koing them was that every one knew ur regen time ... So u better avoid it or make sure u have a plan to help those player get back up ... It made u have to build right and fight together .... This system leans more to the individual not the team ... It's not lazy to not want to go backwards ... It's lazy not to build right ,pay ur dues learning the system , learn strategy and team work and just want an easy way out
  14. And for those saying set times coming out of ko is stupid ... Think about this when a boxer is knocked down in a fight does he come up swinging? No the red stops the fighting giving the guy time to get his bearings and then tells them to go back at it .... It that boxer weaker at that point yes he just got his bell rung... But that where conditioning (ie better builds and strategy) comes in to try to stay off the mat over and over again.... The problem is the devs put heavy weights in with welter weights with poor matching math ... And chaos ensured ... WAsnt an issue of mechanics
  15. I may actually get back into e war if they did this ,,good idea
  16. I Support all of what you say philosopher,I'm serious you could write speeches for the president,your fuckin great at this.
  17. Sorry but based on this his presidential speech would likely be the one about all the hidden WMDs or the one written for Nixon about not having knowledge of watergate.