Proposal to Make a Mismatch EE fun for the Losers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. I support the first idea, but not the second. The regen with half troops is great.

    What I disagree with is ruining trackers. Think. Tracking is a valuable skill. It's a great thing to be able to do, and is something that shouldn't be taken away.
  2. 2 things. First, no support. The system works fine, and I'll be damned if I haven't been in more than my fair share of mismatches. Take the sko practice and move on. Not only that, but Penguin is correct. I worked damn hard to become a tracker, and for the record I love doing it. Second, I don't see my Forum President anywhere on this thread, nor do I believe he would find this a good idea.
  3. @greedyy

    So let me get this straight. You believe it is better to have half the kingdoms be pinned 95% of the time because it would make trackers like you feel bad?

    Well, that's a little selfish and illogical. Maybe we should cut off the Internet because it is making all the paper presses go out of business. Better yet let's get rid if cars so carriage makers and horse breeders don't go out of business.
  4. What is the big deal if the game strategy changing? War strategies change all the time. The strategies used in the civil war, for example, would be suicide in WWII. Adapt or die I say.
  5. In addition, any system where you get KOed 8 seconds after regenerating is not a well-working system.
  6. Support for the random KO timer.
  7. You realize a big part of the big blow outs is a difference in builds? Ee builds win wars, keep your EB builds at home. Tracking is a skill, not a "cheat". Also remember, trackers do not win wars. They merely help. We put clans down as they crystal just as easily as when they pop up from ko. No reason to make major changes in the system the first week into a tourney of sorts.
  8. #1: 30 minutes of waiting...imagine how boring that would be...15 is already too boring for me
    #2: I like :)
    #2: SUPPORT
  9. So your getting smashed in ee wars! What's the solution? Suggest a change in the whole current war system due to the inability of a Successful strategy , right at the start of the war season.
    I enjoy reading your threads and had this been a few months ago it would've been credible, but the simple fact that it comes right at the start of the season, is the biggest reason it shan't prevail any further than a thread, sorry Phil but I say nay on the support
  10. A x2 regen for losing side. Fixes problem, makes it a crazy fight.
  11. You'd have to get matches for that to work :p But really, it doesn't fix a thing. Remember he said it would work for both sides. Here I am, the winning side with a half regent on a Hansel. You better pray your hansels and hybrids have no troops or that's 600-700m. Not even counting if I get a ko in there.
  12. @ commando

    It's not strategy, and it is not as much builds either as greedy suggests. I find the biggest difference is number of kingdoms on each side.

    No one is saying better run clans shouldn't win. It is saying lets cut out the lopsided ness. Being pinned again just seconds after coming out of pin is a little silly.
  13. i like both ideas, but if I could only select ONE, I'd chose making the exit from KO a bit random, (with a 2 min window)

    QUESTION: Would you have any way to I firm the player that he/she is coming out of KO, otherwise there is no advantage, as neither the player NOR the tracker are aware of the precise time you are leaving the KO phase.
  14. Sorry to the zerg family for farming them
  15. SORTA may beg to differ 
  16. So basically your saying that if a clan has 1-2 extra players, regardless of either clans build or strategy, the clan composed of more players will win? That's the jist of what I think you just said. Again too little too late if the DEVS implement any of these ideas now it would destroy alot of clans/people's hard work and efforts, I haven't won an ee war since back when it first came out lol, but I don't think that any clan that has dedicated all there efforts in ee trials just to get to this point should have to alter there game plan 3-4 wars into week one of the war tournament! Your suggestions may be valid but too little too late 
  17. Self-koing was the highlight of that war for me 
  18. Kinda like the random regen timer

    The player can be informed by hitting an open target on the war roster but it Only works on non ko'ed enemies and when your troops are not at 0/0.

    Perhaps changing that so it always reveals your timer even in ko'ed enemies and making the timer show up even when you are 0 troops.
  19. There is no problem with the system in place. However when gaw was released, i loved the quick regens.
    Make kaw the same, faster regens mean more mayhem. Which in turn can create more mistakes from the team on top, not only in ee wars but in the game as a whole