Proposal: Run Clan/Individual Wars Together

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

  2. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Support support very smart. :) I like this idea
  3. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    I would fully support this IF the matchup system would only match stacked clans with eachother. That's still a big 'IF' though, so far devs haven't been able to make this happen.

    Until the matchup system / plunder system in clan EE wars is fixed I don't think this proposal will make much of a difference, because all the problems that exist now with stacked clans exploiting the EE wars, will remain. Clans that wanna war together with mids will still match stacked LB/SH clans without standing a chance to a fair fight.

    The only way stacked clans will only match each other is if clan EE would become exclusively for stacked clans - then there is no other option but to match them.

    And that would basically mean that all non-stacking clans with mids are to be excluded from EE clan wars. Which I cannot support.
  4. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Here's an idea. 1v1 PVP? Just whack someone from wc or BL.

    Oh I feel like a genius sometimes
  5. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Didn't read all the posts so I don't know if someone already mentioned it, but doing this would mean the Indy wars are full of noobs, every even half decent player will be warring with a real clan and it would make Indy wars a complete mess.
  6. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    The problem with this is that then all the war noobs will do individual wars and if your clan gets a no match you'll be stuck doing the individual war with the war noobs.
  7. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    To those who point out that running both systems will not combat the LB/SH stacking clan, that is true for the moment. The devs have indicated they are working on a solution to this issue (I know, I know, some of you will say they have been "working" on this for years, but hear me out).

    If you are going to cast as a clan, you run the same risks as before -- meeting an LB stacked clan, LB/SH, LB/PS, or any of the other variants we have seen. However, that is the risk you CHOOSE to take and you live with the consequences.

    If you decide to war in an indie war, you run the risk of being in a clan with leaky builds, no WC, no TK, noobs, etc. However, that is the risk you CHOOSE to take and you live with the consequences.

    In this scenario, everyone "gets a chance to war" with the attendant risks you choose.

    For those saying that it may devolve into experienced wars (clan wars) versus noob wars (indie wars), I'm ok with that. The independent wars would be a sort of training ground (remember, experienced players who either choose indie wars, or have no matched from clan wars but still want to war, would be sprinkled among all indie clans). This would allow everyone to war, work on their builds, learn from others and then try and get into (or perhaps form their own) experienced clan to war with.

    Finally for the "mids" who feel they have been left out of wars, this clan war/indie wars compromise will allow you to war until you get your build into a position that it is attractive to a war clan, or you grown within your current clan so you are cast on your own clan's roster. I don't deny mids can be in a tough spot . . . I certainly was until I grew beyond mid-status (although I am still a mid in even my own clan). But at least you get the chance to war now. If you want to get cast on a roster -- even as a mid -- develop a much needed skill like WC or TK and you get to war a whole lot more because your clan needs you. Notwithstanding, with the indie system, mids get a chance to war until they decide what type of war build they want to have (and if you say, I like being a mid, I want to stay a mid, then I can't help you).

    Until the dev's new system of matching clans is implemented and perfected, I see this as a reasonable compromise for those who want to war with their clan (and the risks that entails) and all other players who feel they are shut out of war (also with the risks that entails).


  8. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)


    I like the additional idea of having a little more space between the signups (not 5 mins for clans who no match), but 30 minutes seems reasonable. Then everyone gets a chance to war, either in a clan or individually.
  9. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    This idea would work with mine, ie- your bottom five accts must be able to hit your top five builds to sign up. Viola - no stacking.
  10. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    @lord a sh with around 7t in allies can hit up to around lb 150. But still pay 1m when hit. That's the problem
  11. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    That's won't prevent stacking
  12. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Support!! Great Idea
  13. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Why not have both systems indeed?
    Indi wars should be an option as should clan wars. One v one wars as well would be good.
  14. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    @ lord and @ cloud,

    Agree the current SH payout vs. range is insipid.

    As a variant on Lord's thought, perhaps requiring that the bottom of roster must have at least X percentage of success against top of roster (whatever X may be).

    Currently a SH has little chance of success against an LB player, but as CLOUD pointed out, it can still HIT an LB player and only pays a minimal amount when hit in return. All it takes is for one or two lucky hits that do go through before the SH makes substantially more on other players, than those players can make on it.

    However, if there were a requirement that the bottom of a clan's roster must be able to hit the top of their roster with X% chance of success (let's say a 50% chance just for discussion purposes), it would greatly narrow the range of the roster. Granted, clans would quickly figure out what that range was and start casting clans that just barely fit into the top and bottom of those ranges (again seeking to get a more favorable machup), but at least those ranges would be narrowed.


  15. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

  16. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Support! In addition to prevent stacking, have indi war people match eachother and war clans match eachother.
  17. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    I don't know what sh you guys are hitting but I can't hit most of em
  18. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    No support to you because your daughter is a fan of Hannah Montana ...... Just jk lol
  19. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Yes, captain hubris of "my ship cannot sink" fame, my daughters' love for all things Hanna Montanna (yes, they had lunchboxes even) besmirches the family honor to this day.

    Not that we were brimming with family honor to start out with, you understand, but C'MON!?!?! Hannah Montanna--really?


  20. Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars)

    Support I used to war regularly by not with just individual wars as an option