Proposal - Choice in ee wars rancor equipment

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -DA-, May 28, 2013.

  1. i always thought it would of been
  2. Eh what? No support
  3. It would actually be reasonable to expect people to read the detail of my proposal, given I gave it some thought, unlike some of the people who responded.

    I did not at any stage say that all players can get best equipment. It specifically indicated that equipment you get would be based on the rancor level you achieved.

    It simply suggested that players get some choice. Clearly more equipment with each level. As one person pointed out, they spent 100 mith maxing their red paladin item. If the only item you get goes in that same spot it kinda defeats the purpose and the effort put in.

    The other categories of response are from those who did not war (so please don't insult us who did by making irrelevant commments) and those who got to 50.

    The latter group are saying generally screw all you others. The greed and arrogance of people in this game never ceases to amaze me. I should know better, it's a proxy for real life. If this was a real life scenario of course you would expect a degree of choice.

    As I said earlier I'm getting 5 bits of equip, so I'm happy. This thread was aimed at helping those who will receive less from utter disappointment when they find they don't really benefit from what they are given.

    Lets make this game fairer and more accessible to all.
  4. Big Support. Would be ridiculous for the Devs to assign equipment as a reward and for fighters to have duplicate pieces that they have already purchased. Mith is too hard to come by.......

    As a alternative devs could let us "sell" our old red paladin equip at a 80-90% return on mith used if we are awarded the equivalent duplicate piece of rancor equipment.

    They didn't tell us what items they were releasing, so it would be a nice way to encourage people to war and would be a fair way to ensure everyone gets useful items they need :)
  5. SUPPORT - due to lack of slots, I couldn't get to reach high rancor level. And smaller clans raring to war couldn't get a consistent match ups and eventually earning only 1 to 20.

    Lets not create 1st and 2nd class citizen here. Doesn't mean level 1 to 9 are not as hardworking as the elite 50's.

    ANOTHER THING - increase minimum roster to 40? So more users can war?
  6. Why are you guys getting soo greedy for the equiptment? Just take what you get and get your filthy hands out the cookie jar! If anything people who lost 20 wars and won none should complain not the people with 41-49 level.
  7. No support

    If some people only warred once and won, they can now choose the best equipment there is. Besides these are rewards for warring, why do you want to choose ?? Be lucky it's for free and does not fail in the Mage.
  8. RPA funny part is it wasn't free OP has explained several times 1-9 would not be able to get the "best piece" but allow options to suit there empty or weak equip slots...anyways
  9. Get 50 if you wanted to get what pieces you want .. If not get what you get. Seems fair to me
  10. Support, personally I have spent mith on equipment already and would hate to only receive my limited equipment pieces on slots already taken by said equipment, if I got a choice I could choose the items that get into slots I don't have mith equipment on
  11. Supported highly. I know i said this idea a few times. For example i already have the mith greaves so basically kaw your telling me ive wasted over 300 mith on those greaves. Gee thanks
  12. This idea seems good, but in reality it will not ever happen. If a person wanted all 6 pieces of equipment then they should have earned level 50 rancor and is somewhat a slap in the face to those who have 50. If you look at clans like Warlor/rising hawks/S.O.T.R.A many of the EE veterans there have also bought the items and upgraded them fairly high. The proposal should be why are the devs now saying only 10% increase over Red Paladin when initially it was 10-15%.
  13. I spent the whole season except for around half a week in OSW, one ended late week 4 and the current one flared up early week 5. Where was I suppose to get time to earn 50 rancor, between that and RL Scedules.
    Give me a damn choice of the two equips I managed to earn