Proposal - Choice in ee wars rancor equipment

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -DA-, May 28, 2013.

  1. Carlethal.

    You did not even war so why bother commenting on this?!?
  2. So you're saying that every eq should have the same stats? This is an example why you should never dink and KaW.
  3. Muppet master. Why are you such an EE fairy? Just get what the devs give you - don't whine.
  4. Carlethal: read the op before commenting.

    I support this. I spent 1200 mith on my greaves before they released equip that doesn't fail enchants, which alone is a slap in the face. But now I will get slightly worse greaves too, when I would much rather have literally any other piece of equipment.
  5. And also an add-on: no matter how much support this gets the devs won't do it anyway
  6. Yep poison. Like the was crystals.
  7. @ capybara

    not all the equipment can be the same stats / value. Compare current ring equipment with sword or morning star. That difference is sensible based on what a warrior could actually equip.

    So there will definitely be better and poorer equipment just like there was with the red paladin gear. The point here is about giving people some choice.
  8. I like your clan cartheral, I would hate for you to get kicked from it Watch yourself
  9. No way. worked to hard to get all 6. be pissed if someone with lvl 1 could just pick
  10. Another EE fairy...

    You've got to be kidding there are players that warred hard 5-6 per week staying loyal to losing clans that put in same time and effort.

    Why should they not pick the item that fits their build best?

    All you with 50 should support this as they were in the clans that kept warring as you beat up on them time and time again.

    The elitism in this game is out of control. Stop thinking your the only one deserving of rewards, give the players a choice - we all obviously enjoy warring lets make it stronger AND worthwhile for players to continue!

    It's common sense, don't demean all their hard work giving them something they all ready spent all their mith buying and upgrading - let them fill a spot they haven't filled.
  12. Yup poison - unlikely that the devs r going to change this no matter how much " support " it gets ....

    But people... Take a deep breath and repeat after me...

    "You get what you get and you don't get upset"  
  13. I feel the best items should be given to
    Those who achieve 50. Seeing how that was the whole point in the season was to accrue rancor levels.

    Give those who achieved the most get the best items. I feel this first item given to everyone is already too good personally.

    A 250 mith item for winning just 1 war, but I guess it's the devs way of rewarding those who participated at least
  14. Support that.....let us choose the equip..... dont push us dev...
  15. Lame support! I do support knight of the king tho
    There's a reason for all lvls folks and don't be too cranky about it cuz the lvl50 rancor is just a piece of crap ring rest of equip will be good
  16. Support. Would allow people to develop Equipment Builds to go with their Build type. Being able to sell old equip is also an interesting idea and could be used to incent people to revisit old EBs to get drops to sell off (at the same time helping small builds complete EBs)