Proper Hansel Usage

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by wordwaster, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. but you missed the bit about me saying later that it was a way to get people worked up enough to argue the point.
  2. What if you start getting hit before you can successfully strip ?!
  3. And to your last post Isaac, well put, I think that simply is why a hansel is great in war mechanics...
  4. I did not read that correct word, as I said after you mechanics blunder I posted and did not continue to read.
  5. you should be a hansel when you are strip farming...i made fun of lr because i made a ton of gold while their osf was stealing me.
  6. Scoutbombs do not come close to be as effective to 0 a spy as assignations do. They have a much worse spy loss/spy kill ratio. Plus it takes up much more time which makes the process more of a task. Then the lack of pot burning makes it less detrimental in a long war
  7. Scout bombs effective? Lol, sure.

    Efficient? No, never. I can sit on a pure spy all on my own, for hours. Sitting on an active hansel with scouts is difficult and usually takes multiple people. Plus it's annoying.

    This isn't about pot burning. Have you ever been in an actual spy war? After warring clans like AG, LoA, Blackhand, etc, I learned very quick that I'd rather see a bunch of pure spies than a clan full of hansels.

    Even if I was planning on keeping no allies, I'd still put a building up just for the obvious mechanics advantage.
  8. What tips me off that you're a noob is that you think OSW is about how much money you make off the other side. It's about what you take from them. And farming a hansel is taking nothing.
  9. you may want to check the numbers since they changed scouts recently. from recent experience, scouting kills more for less.
  10. Scout mechanics have also changed I've not been active enough to fully test effectiveness, more spies are burned more spies are taken. Not sure of numbers here but I would like to think assassination is still more effective.

    I then like at least the way you deployed the debate...
  11. it is if they have 13 dp. and again, free money to restore ones own pots.
  12. @greatness 58 and some other numbers I forgot

    Osf and pure spy is the same thing. Osf is a pure spy. But it is only an osf when it has money out and can be attacked until dtw. Otherwise it's a closed osf. It is a pure spy all the while.
  13. So word how many hits have u got on me?


    Any I've run 5 half bars on u...

    Tell me again about your making money off me 
  14. You're*

    Save the trolling
  15. how will i ever recover.
  16. That is a spy that is open. The osf was in general a spy who willingly opened for others. Long ago many pure spy builds would get pissed if I called them an osf. That is like calling any attack build with no spies an oaf. Builds are the same but do not offer the same benefits.
  17. osf is just an abbreviation. could we move off which is the appropriate term for the same build depending on what the build is currently doing?
  18. Word - new scout mechs changes are then exact same % loss vs % killed. It's only larger number nows. Since i dont read forums often, I just recently learned who you were. At first you seem alright but now I'm certain you're just a tool looking got attention like half the other people that get off from posting forums. Sad

    Sir - my 6t hansel has no problem going toe to toe with 5 mil hitters. All bfa is focused on attack for the purpose of hitting but nonetheless my other hansels, this one included, beat 3-4mil hitter on a regular basis. Equipment and new pots go a long way with a few assa thrown in the mix.

    Cyd - lmao. What an idiot word is. Talking **** to ISS and iG telling them they don't know war. Give him the proper ass kicking he deserves.
  19. i don't want to have to say this again.

    i am just looking to discuss the way people play hansels.

    if you don't have anything to add to the conversation, stay out of it. i am getting really bored with it.
  20. Ok I was too lazy to search through all the pages but originally a hansel was supposed to have enough bfa from allies to be able to hit atk builds and win, but now it's not some much the case as T4 and T5 made that extremely difficult.. Feel free to correct any information and sorry of it was already said