Proper Hansel Usage

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by wordwaster, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Where do I start? In OSW there is absolutely no benefit to being a pure spy. Give me one reason that you think pure spy is superior and ill tell you why it's incorrect.
  2. in an osw, the side that strips the most from the other side is generally the winner.

    osf cannot be stripped...unless they have allies...which would be weird. osf is just as good at stripping as a hansel.
  3. I'm not leaving.

    Not here or ur newsfeed. U my personal *****
  4. i will get around to you, cynder. i am just busy atm.
  5. Depending on activity level and how you play it depends on what you do with a hansel build in war. But the one thing you don't do is go osf, maybe pure spy but not osf. An osf is a spy that opens for others to hit and get easy gold. A pure spy is just that, a pure spy. Builds look the same but are two completely different things, please know your terminology before you start an argument.
  6. Why would a hansel that wars keep any more than minimum allies for max plunder? The reason hansels originally built big BFA was to be effective with attacks. That ended after T4. You'd need multiple trillions in allies to be able to attack most builds today aside from other hansels, small hybrids, and MAYBE a couple hits when someone is just above pin. Basically, a hansel with 500b in allies is no more useful than one with 15b. So smart hansels keep one mp ally for the purpose of hitting EB's and if it gets stripped, who cares. You lose nearly nothing and are still just as effective with your spies as any pure spy.

    Plus, allies or not, you have the mechanics advantage that comes with the attack building, which is the primary reason to war as a hansel in the first place. Win win.
  7. @Word,
    Replying to page 2 I know way back, nor do I care if this has been pointed out, it does not affect mechanics.... End of story... With love and ehh no no just love.

    I quit reading there what could have continued to be a good erm ok debate due to lack of mechanic knowledge.
  8. And I'll happily show you that it's true that mechanics are the same I have gold out attack me I'll pin you get dtw...
  9. that works for anyone with troops.
  10. Not a spy with gold...... For an articulate writer in forums I'd of expected you to read.
  11. The point is spies stripping are open osf's to opposing anyone and they get big money more than the spy does..
  12. And If it's not changed In last few months I can att a hansel with zero troops confirmation would be nice, hell I'll pin and metal can hit me.
  13. Or if you've a hansel in your clan you'd prefer or a hansel friend so you believe them.
  14. Referring to your page 2 statement...who cares if your hansels are getting farmed in OSW? You lose nothing. It has absolutely no effect on the side you're hitting. If anything, it's hurting your own clan for two reasons...

    1. You're wasting troops on hansels that could be better used against attack builds.

    2. You're pinning their damn hansels! Now your clan has to 0 their spies by scout bombing lol. Way to go. Real war clans kick idiots who attack pin hansels, not congratulate them.

    This isn't a system war bro. It doesn't matter how much you farm off some invulnerable hansel with a couple thousand gold out.
  15. i did read it. and i do see the point. but people seem to be missing what i am saying.

    no one has given me a good reason to NOT drop the troop building when you are inactive rather than to allow yourself to feed your opponent gold to replenish lost pots. when you are active again, you should put the troop building back.

    i don't get most of the arguments against that. they don't make sense. they talk about the benefits of hansel like i am saying not to return to hansel when you need to be a hansel.

    its weird. like people don't read what is being said or something.
  16. Here's an easy argument for you to understand...

    Hansels pin troops and become dtw to assassinations.

    Pure spies are always open to assassinations.

    Assassinations from attack builds on big spies offer the best kill/loss ratio whether you win or lose.

    Cliff: pure spies are extremely easy to keep 0, active or not. Hansels are tough to keep 0 when active...when it really matters.
  17. Isaac,
    I'm referring to him saying having more than one atk building doesn't make you a hansel by affecting mechanics. Wasn't arguing anything else I agree with what you said as a whole though.

    Your first post I'll try quoting from memory " any hansel that doesn't convert to pure spy in osw is a nub" see I can read lovely.
  18. scout bombs partially negate that argument. true that you do not burn pots in the process, but still an effective way to take a hansel to zero spies.
  19. I convert lol
  20. I am currently in OSW 