Re: [PROMO] More Mithril Do the rewards stack? i.e More Participation = More Plunder Bonus Do you lose the Plunder Bonus if you lose a war?
Re: [PROMO] More Mithril I like how open the devs are to criticism as of late, and how adaptive they are to that criticism. They're literally bending over backwards for the players, and its sad the majority of you are ignoring that.
I think instead of trying to please its players, kaw is desperately offering incentives to entice them to participate in the primal wars. Has anyone else noticed that some of the major war clans are sitting this one out?
Re: [PROMO] More Mithril I really hope this doesn't mean next week is primal wars only too...... That would start to get annoying.
I do not support primal wars...people work hard for there bfa and bfe but appreciate the efforts though. I will war again next Individual war
Re: [PROMO] More Mithril Clearly the lack of participation has forced the the hand of kaw com to try to bait people into a broken system, that quit frankly is an absolute joke. In my humble opinion you left it far far too late, and far too many have already left the game.
I really appreciate that you are at least trying to make people happy kaw, but i really hope primal wars aren't the new norm.
Support for primal wars…this is the answer to SH/LB stacking clans…last two wars we won were against clans who still tried to stack LB/SH rosters…we killed both of them…this is exactly what KAW community wanted…LB cant tank without bfa/bfe…sh are completely useless as well…
Gotta agree with JoHnEdEE and @ -SugarMagnolia- what kind of statement does it make about some of the major war clans sitting this one out? think about that 1.
Re: [PROMO] More Mithril No plunder promo for real osw/pvp or anything, but only shitty ee/EB/whatever the new crap you implement promos. Where are the, promised to be released in end January early February pvp updates? damn liars
Re: [PROMO] More Mithril The reason why the major war clans are sitting out is because withou their bfe and bfa they are nothing. The can't manipulate these war as well as other ones so why would they want to?