Re: [PROMO] HTE What is wrong with everyone today? That is not a haunt, the 1st SS is HTE BR & 2nd SS is HTE. That player did both EBs b2b, max xtals and both phases to get those many hits. Go to clan b2bgold EB history and look for yourself.
Re: [PROMO] HTE not sure if you're aware of this, but they got these little things called crux chests.........gasp!!!!
Re: [PROMO] HTE Blood rains does give less in the END payout, check the last 2 htes we did and the top plunderer...
Re: [PROMO] HTE Oh I see. No way to talk your way out of it so you decided to smack me around? To be fair, this IS better than just saying that the promo sucks while participating, inadvertently or not. Good on you. Glad to see somebody unafraid to get into some PVP. Not going to lie, you're kicking my butt. But it's my own fault for mouthing off. To be entirely honest, the promo DOES suck, for several reasons: - HTE/ROTWB are both pay to play ebs, basically. - The promo only lasted a short time to encourage "panic purchasing", a pretty smutty tactic by the devs
Re: [PROMO] HTE It's a sextant on the top. Used by Mariners to navigate using the sun. Maybe moon and stars can't remember
No idea why people are hating on promos and events, at least they haven't abandoned the community. If you don't like something then don't complain about it, sit down and shut the hell up.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Didn't you just say several reasons? And you only have two? Sounds like a pretty s*it tactic in persuasion to me