Re: [PROMO] HTE Oh I see. So it's okay to be hypocritically whining about the promo while participating as long as you joined before this knowledge? I see you're still there, meaning that you're willing to sacrifice your principles for the sake of gold. Don't advocate for people to not participate when you are.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Why would I leave before? That would be a waste of a seal. And I hope you have a main because your a tiny little ***** :lol:
How do you explain a difference of 135Bil between payout in 2 EBs, same player, same number of actions(921) and eb finished in same time. There cannot be that much of a difference when everything else in the equation is constant. I would not be trying to get the attention of the Apes if it was just 3-4B difference in payouts. Can you explain a loss of 135B in payout when doing HTE BR? Went into thin air, aliens, or what? The simple fact that they did not reply to the proof I posted a few posts back is clearly showing that they have goofed up and are hiding in their basement again.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Like I said. Willing to ignore your principles for the sake of gold. Everything I said still stands. People who really believe in something are willing to make some minor sacrifices to do what's right- something I don't see you doing.
Re: [PROMO] HTE I pledge to spend 100% of my troops and spies today farming you. would that satisfy your needs?
Pages and pages of 'I deserve this', 'devs owe me this' etc etc Yawn. You are playing an ad free game that costs NOTHING to play all day and every day (regen not withstanding) where premium items like xtals, sods and chests are periodically given away. However this seems to not count for anything. Remind me why the devs owe you anything else?
Oh and Rage, you are an idiot. OP doesnt mention HtE BR in the promo description so why exactly have you raged quite hilariously over pages of this thread. Someone needs their pacifier.
Did I call you an idiot or is it your lack of education and manners to address anyone without being polite. Anyway, what you said is EXACTLY my point. The devs SHOULD have mentioned HTE BR is NOT 50% payout!! Guess what, there are loads of clans doing HTE BR thinking it is 50% as well. My clan is doing the same. All I want is that the Devs come here and tell them all that HTE BR is NOT 50% And then watch all hell break lose. Because all those clans that blindly did HTE BR back to back are going to be gathered here to kill the devs. Unfortunately none of them realise this folly by the Devs. I am trying to bring it to the attention of everyone and here I am getting called an idiot. When I clearly posted proof that HTE BR is NOT 50% Why cant Kaw_Com come here and confirm the same? Because when Devs confirm this, they are going to have to refund all seals on HTE BRs that people have done in this promo. Come on DEVs explain this. That is hard earned money people are wasting on HTE BR when it is NOT 50%
No, I called you an idiot because you are an idiot. The promo description does not mention HtE:BR so why would you think it would apply to HtE:BR? Guess what, it doesnt apply to all the other ebs not mentioned either. Fancy that.
You really are incapable of reading and understanding what is being said. Now let us not make this a mud slinging fest. I am trying to help out by pointing a simple fact that people are not looking at. My point with these posts is to tell all the people that are wasting their money on seals doing HTE BR, that IT IS NOT paying 50% How difficult is it to get the Devs or that good for nothing Kaw_Community to come here and tell people the same thing. If you still want to waste your money go ahead. Or step up and ask for these Developers to clarify this for the community.
Informing people Hte:BR doesn't pay out an additional 50% is fine. (Though the extra 15% is obv worth getting anyway). Demanding compensation from the devs for not delivering something they never said they were going to do was however a little silly.
people actually think hte br doesn't pay 50% more??? lmao, idiots. one hit on an hte br should be the proof in the pudding for you buttercups
You are a genius. Now spot the difference. There is definitely something going on. Wonder what it is. Something was wrong with BR HTE in this promo. Go figure!
images can be photoshopped easy, eb's can be ran before and after eb easy, one hit on an br hte proves the point....idiot
If you believe that even after what I posted, then the only idiot here is you. I simply went to the clan mentioned and took SS to see what was going on. It is there for everyone to see.