Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Ata employee
  2. Some here have sunk a lot of time and energy into this game, and are dissatisfied with seeing it devolve into a sleazy cash grab. If you don't like reading honest feedback, please feel free to ignore.
  3. Support
  4. Not working on the Shark EB

  5. Not making you a mod.
  6. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Ahhh ofcourse. Much apologies for the suggestion of something that would please people and give litterally no reason for anyone to complain 

  7. Rekt
  8. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Why isn't HTE BR in this promo 50% as well? That EB is HTE as well!
  9. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Hte blood rains is the 50% promo.

    You must be talking about standard HTE? i cant see that eb, my clan does not do HTE lol.

    Btw.. People complaining about HTE should just stop hitting it.
  10. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    This won't happen. Soory.
  11. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    I'm sorry I was talking about HTE BR. Standard HTE is 50% however HTE BR is paying as a normal HTE, that is, it is not 50% extra payout like the standard HTE in this promo.

    If your clan did HTE BR all this while then there is no 50% extra payout.

    So my question stands, why is this big goof up in not giving HTE BR the extra 50% in this promo like the regular HTE.

    So clans doing HTE BR thinking it is also 50% just got screwed royally. Y'all might want to stop and do standard HTE. The BR HTE is NOT 50% , At least the final payout isn't :!:

    Where is Kaw Com to answer this?
  12. Come on Devs, take ownership of this goof up and get ready to compensate the players.

    To all who want to see proof:- Look at the last BR HTE in b2bgold. Then look at the regular HTE before that and the regular HTE after that.

    I am sure a lot of clans are running BR HTE thinking that is also 50%. We need an answer and a compensation for this, yet another, goof up.

    Unless you never meant for BR HTE to be 50% then you should have clearly mentioned it in the first post.
  13. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    The two ebs after that BR were on for longer... Can't do the math right now but it looks about right for the time completed
  14. The HTE before the BR, the BR HTE and the HTE after the BR, all 3 took same time give or take a minute. Look at the top player, same amount of actions on all 3. Now look at the plunder difference. Clearly the BR HTE is not paying 50% extra.
  15. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    You can either whine and complain and not hit or keep hitting and shut up.

    A) Accept the promo and enjoy the gold
    B) Hate on the promo and not participate
    C) Hate on the promo and hypocritically participate
  16. Have you taken into account the fact that completing the HTE after the HTE BR will yield extra gold anyway due to the BR spell?
  17. I know there will be an increase in plunder in the next HTE after they do HTE BR. Not a big difference but it will be there. What I am saying is that they did a Standard HTE BEFORE the BR and the payout in the BR HTE is much much lower than the standard HTE which they did BEFORE that BR.

    See again:-

    First EB they did is the standard HTE

    Top Player had 921 Actions and made 535 Bil gold.

    After that EB they did HTE BR

    Top Player had the same actions 921 and only made 398 Bil gold

    That is a loss of 137Bil in the HTE BR. You see what I am saying now. HTE BR is not paying 50%. So either we can ignore this and everyone who did HTE BR and is still doing it is royally screwed. Or you can see the difference for yourself and ask the Apes to refund the seals spent on HTE BR as it is NOT paying 50%. Your choice.
  18. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    I had one seal that I earned probably a very long time ago and have not been in a HTE clan for a very long time also. And I joined BEFORE the promo so you can go **** your self you stupid ****.
  19. Why isn't Kaw_Com replying to this?
    You know you have made a mistake, own up to it now.
  20. You're the mistaken one. And if you are trying to base your claims off of the fact that sometimes there is more plunder off an EB than others, then just give up 