I'd love it for people to quit complaining about how greedy the devs are. Do t1 ebs until you earn a seal it's what I do. Try ally trading to make some side cash. The game is only as fun as you make it, stop complaining about how other people can afford to buy stuff to grow quicker and play YOUR game to have fun.
Re: [PROMO] HTE @Willy, much respect but nobody says "omg noez extra plunder yay", thanks to do devs for that. But no thankyou to the gap they create between the bigger players and smaller players by running percentage based EB's. I left the game just before all this percentage based plunder bonus's were realised and prior to that I had been around since the PW era. You say people should be rewarded for being big, that's true. But with your amazing business mind, I feel you should know that this is only a smart short term business move not a long term business moved. And to the players of this game, don't be so naive to think it's a reward you should say thankyou to when they give us a promo on P2W EB's, you move closer to HFBC or whatever your goal is and your goals are what the developers use to keep you going. You developers should thank us at the end of this promo. No offence Will and no hate to ATA, I just think promos are NOT something we should be grateful for as your mod and VK have suggested. Also I must say it does look like you are both trying hard to support this. But that's just my opinion.
Re: [PROMO] HTE this game now come from promo to promo and from event to event .... I really understand why some ppl left game ..... too any promos
Re: [PROMO] HTE @Eagle If the devs really wanted to be nice to us, they would put the bonus in an EB thst didn't involve pay to play.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Again. Another closed-minded individual that can't handle a difference of opinion. I'm a proponent of small business. I know if you owned your own business you'd give everything away for free and let your employees down. Makes sense. I'll look at your angle. So, HTE/ROTWB promos need to go away because of LB gold inflation. They just have so much gold they don't know what to do with it.... Understood. I think if someone wants to spend to get ahead in a game, and it's offered, why not? If the tease of increasing the payout on a premium event is offered...the only ones whining are the ones who don't want to pay.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Actually the promo wouldn't be the reason I'd leave, it's because of all the people screaming at the Devs to do something right. I'm sick of it. (Next Post) Wanna know why I don't leave? I got friends in here, and the KaWmunity is cool when it's not bitching about the Devs. I don't support the promo I don't not support the promo 'Nuff Sed.
Re: [PROMO] HTE @ Justice If you add a percentage bonus to plunder across the board...and reduce that for the LB players - essentially PUNISHING the LB for spending time and money within an app - you won't have investors anymore. Sorry. With all due respect. Those who have made the LB deserve that gap.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Or no? We are allowed to have our own opinions aren't we? If that's against the TOU please inform me
Re: [PROMO] HTE There's nothing wrong with putting a 25% bonus across the board on ebs at the same time as the 50% pay ebs. Maybe that would help to reduce anger.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Extremes on both sides. Why not make a promo for all? There are many who play this game who just can't put kaw in their budget. So why not make an event that increases all epic battle hits? None-premium epic battles get a 50% plunder upgrade. Premium Epic Battles get a 100% plunder upgrade. Yes, this still gives premium paying players the same advance over regular ebs as this current promo, but at least the promo helps all players as well as gives the premium seals an extra incentive to buy. They will still be complaints, both public and private, but not as many. That is my solution to this debate. Should help this game generate money as well as keep all players happy without leaving out the free to play players who make up a good amount of the numbers in this game. While rewarding those who do pay to play.
Re: [PROMO] HTE Yeah more gold into the game and no pvp promotions to take gold back out. No wonder new players can't buy allies because of how out of control plunder has cleaned ally market. Stop the madness before what happened to future combat becomes the future kaw.
Re: [PROMO] HTE I think what he means is. For example. I don't have a chance in heck of Catching top 1000 on the cc leaderboard. But I have Way over 500 tokens. Those of us who don't need anymore tokens shouldn't have to waste time for more tokens. It'd be neat if we could choose to exclude a possible reward or two (I.e. The crux tokens) when we open our crates. I for one got many crates but only got tokens or crux chests from them. There should be a limit to how many of each Reward we can receive from the chest. Also people who are hfbc should be allowed to exclude building tokens from their rewards as they aren't useful. Just a couple suggestions but I doubt they'll take
Re: [PROMO] HTE If Devs would be so considerate they would have made Atleast couple other ebs 50% more plunder also. Like aff and tsg etc. but no they just money hungry so they made escape 50% more. These unneeded promos just decreasing my interest in the game.